

FREE flu shot for Victorian children promised if Liberal win state election.

The Coalition in Victoria has promised to fund free flu vaccines for children aged between six months and five years old if it wins the 2018 state election, reports The Age.

The voluntary scheme would cost an estimated $7 million over four years and see about 180,000 children vaccinated each year, the Opposition said.

Currently parents must spend about $11 on a flu vaccination for each child.

Making the flu shot free would send parents “a clear message that it is safe and responsible and important that children are vaccinated,” the Liberals’ health spokeswoman, Mary Wooldridge said.

“This is a vulnerable age and we think it’s important to send a clear message, they should be free so that no one is inhibited from getting a vaccination,” she said.

“There is nothing to stop Victoria taking the lead on this,” Ms Wooldridge said said.

More than 160,000 people have contracted the flu in Australia so far this year, Health Department figures show, compared with 75,818 recorded cases for the same time last year.

So why does it come down to a political vote? Just do it! 

Victoria’s deputy chief health officer Dr Brett Sutton said that Australia needed to discuss making the flu vaccination free for all children, reported The Age.

“I think it’s a national conversation that needs to be had,” he said.

“The experience internationally is  …  the more  [children] can be immunised and fewer barriers there are for them to be immunised, the less that the elderly need to worry about being exposed to [the flu].”

Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has asked the chief medical officer Professor Brendan Murphy to examine if there are ways to strengthen the National Immunisation Program, a spokesman said.

Experts believe unvaccinated children are to blame for the rise in numbers of people suffering with the flu. They are encouraging all parents to ensure their kids get the jab.

MUST SEE VIDEO: The dangerous risk of influenza in kids under five

In sad news today another family have lost a loved one due to complications from the flu –  Another family has sadly lost a precious loved one to the flu

I believe it should be offered as a free vaccine nationwide to any families that wish to accept.

Find out the difference between a cold and flu HERE

Do you think children should be given a free flu shot?

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  • Yes do so agree – but if the federal government won’t bring down this legislation then good on the Vic. Liberals for proposing it.


  • ok make them free regardless and also the strains of meningoccal vaccines. Get everyone protected from that too. do you want to sell your political stance for $11 anyway? not much of a bribe


  • Yes, when a flu shot is recommended by the experts it should be free indeed.


  • Quite weird. After this winter we have seen how important flu shots are. Just give them for free to everyone!!


  • Yes l agree children should be given a free flu shot.


  • Should be free for all children not just 6 months to 5 yrs….


  • Yes, I think it would be a cost effective health measure.


  • I have an asthma kid so its already free (and used) for him. I’d like to see all vaccines free for everyone throughout their whole life. I’ll vote for that!


  • really seems like a no brainer to me – make it free (well tax payers are paying for it anyway I pay taxes and have two kids so I would be fine with that!) – if it is protecting our young and our elderly then it seems silly not to do it – just make sure it is rolled out across Australia as a unified stand not just this state or that state! – that’s when people start questioning things

    • Unfortunately States and Territories are not always on the same page and for any program to be effective it does need to be nationwide.


  • The current criteria for flu vaccines makes sense for those that need protection.


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