

A young girl contracted HIV from her soccer coach after he repeatedly raped her while his wife watched.

*WARNING – distressing content

The Daily Mail reports, an inquiry on Monday heard that in 1996 a girl known only as BXA was regularly left in the care of her soccer coach, including overnight stays.

BXA, now 27 from Sydney, told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that when she played in an under 10s team with the coach, he repeatedly raped her.

She also revealed that the man’s wife would sometimes wake her and take her to the coach and be present in the room while he sexually assaulted her.

“I would see her watching and when I would look at her she would look away,” BXA told the court.

“She would either be laying on the bed or somewhere in the room. His wife would say to me ‘it’s OK’ and ‘it’s alright” the victim continued.

When she was 11, BXA confided in a school friend about the abuse and the Department of Child Services were contacted.

The case went to court and the coach was acquitted of the charges due to lack of evidence however he was found guilty and jailed in 2004 for molesting three other children.

BXA was only 13 when she was in court and she said: “I was very embarrassed and I found the whole process very intimidating.”

She feels that the police did not get the full story in the first place which hindered her case.

At 13 she began to feel ill, and at 15 she was diagnosed with HIV which she believes came from her abuser as she had never had intercourse with anyone else and had not received a blood transfusion, nor used drugs.

The case continues.

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  • How awful for this poor girl. You cannot trust anyone and that wife shame on her too as well as the abuser.. Disgusting!


  • If that was your child, wouldn’t you just want to kill that coach? And the wife watched?!?! As a parent, I’m sure this girls mum and dad are hating themselves so much….thinking they let this happen. A horrible situation


  • This is just awful. That poor girl. I hope those responsible are punished to the full extent of the law.


  • This is so horrific. May he and his wife both rot in jail. My thoughts are with the victim.


  • This is just disgusting and so sad for her not only what she has gone through but to now have HIV. This evil man and his wife need to be locked away for ever.


  • *sigh* I have to wonder at the circumstances that a parent would allow a young girl to stay the night at the coaches house.
    Its best not to allow sleep overs…you just dont know who you are sending your child to stay with.


  • The wife should be charged as an accessory. He should be charged with endangering life, not just child abuse, and carnal knowledge too as she is under age. She reported when she was 11 years old. She was in court the first time at age 13. She was in the under 10 team. Including her, that equals 4 girls he molested. Why did her parents consent to her sleeping over so often?? Both huband and wife should be locked up. Throw the keys way and they should never be released to be able to re-offend.


  • Why? I mean, why should this young child have her life shamelessly ruined all because of some arsehole that can’t keep his dick in his pants? Child abuse, particularly of this nature, gets my blood boiling!


  • Poor thing!! What the hell is wrong with people. An innocent little girl and 2 monsters. Breaks my heart


  • Poor girl!! What she had to pass through. And HIV!! :-( I hope the coach (and his wife!!) will go to jail!!


  • This has made me sick to my stomach, the poor girl will suffer for the rest of her life now, also with a constant reminder of how she got sick in the first place


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