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Chris Hemsworth fans are in shock when he shared this cute cake he whipped up for his daughter, India. Why? Well read on…

Chris Hemsworth shared – “What happens when the bakery says they don’t have time to make your daughter a birthday cake? You get involved and smash one out yourself! I call it “La TRex al la chocolate”

Why his fans were shocked?

WHAT baker would not have time to make a cake for THOR?  SERIOUSLY!?

chris h cake fb

His wife Elsa Pataky proudly boasted on Instagram –

“Papa working hard on India’s birthday cake! Happy birthday India, love you more than anything! #family #love #birthdaygirl”

He did a fab job though.  Awesome cake!

My hubby is the cake maker in our house too.  The kids love it!

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  • I love that quote – “what bakery doesn’t have time to bake a cake for the daughter of Thor”. He’s got some skills in the kitchen too I see.!


  • Well, I understand he only gave a few days notice and the baker already had a Lot of other commissions. Still, he did a Good job.


  • I think he did a great job!! 🙂


  • Not all chefs or cooks like decorating cakes and feel confident in their ability to do so.


  • Could he be anymore wonderful???


  • Well done Chris! This is why I love Aussie celebs, they’re so down to earth and grounded.


  • My sons bday is coming up next Monday – wanna come bake him a cake? 🙂


  • Wow the cake Chris made is fantastic,a wonderful dad!


  • Haha that’s so cute. Im just wondering if he left it to the last minute of asking around knowing its his daughters birthday coming up??? as much as im like your joking baker, its thor not some other ransom person, think the baker would have been like don’t care, I treat everyone as equal kind of thing.
    making a cake is better than buying I supposed. my sister in law and myself have made cakes for my kids and that’s all they ask for, not from a baker.
    ive had to make a dinosaur cake the nite before after trying to contact my baker for 3 weeks to confirm all good to go…. that morning of my sons party, I rocked up and it turned out the baker doesn’t make cakes anymore due to health reasons but my sons cake was booked to be picked up. lucky I had made a cake the nite before as I had a vibe something wasn’t right.
    from now on, its either I make it or my sister in law who makes better cake than I do makes it.


  • oh my i love mr hemsworth even more!


  • Awesome cake. My hubby is the cook in the house and although he makes a big mess sometimes it’s so worth it.


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