

Paper Magazine recently assigned themselves a task…. ‘Break the internet’. So who did they approach to help them achieve this task? Who else but Kim Kardashian and oh BOY did this photo cause some waves.

It’s one you have to see to believe – or do you believe it? That is the question we have been pondering in the MoM office after seeing this image in the media yesterday:

There is also this photo of Kim balancing a champagne glass on her behind and seemingly pouring champagne straight into it….

Kim took to twitter to talk about her balancing act saying:

Screen Shot 2014-11-13 at 9.21.34 AM

We wonder what the very private Kanye thinks of this?

Since the images went viral yesterday a few celebrities have jumped onboard, here are a couple that made us laugh.

Fitzy and Wippa attempted to pour champagne whilst balancing the glass….

And Chelsea Handler posted her own version:


What do you think, is the Kim Kardashian image real or has it been photoshopped? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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  • Please deal with your insecurity in a more appropriate way.


  • If anyone had a body like that I’d say show it off!?!


  • Who cares! ! These people are such bad role models, it’s terrible.


  • Love the 2 attempts to recreate these photos. They make it all worth while! Hehehee


  • umm, obviously photo-shopped all images are photo-shopped and you have to be naive not to realise that, even when kirra knightly released her topless photo with the condition they not photo-shop her breasts she was still photo-shopped everywhere else.


  • I find it amusing that the sisters are competing with their photo shoots! A good laugh!


  • yeah i think that these celebrities don’t know about the real world. it’s not about being jealous or a prude- it’s about having morals and some respect for yourself. she makes so much money and i get that she wants to say— hey world i’m hot! after all the stuff you said about me when i was prego!—– but this isn’t a great example for her kid


  • every time i think the kardashians cant shock me more, they do


  • I don’t think her waist is that slim.. Definitely looks photo shopped!


  • It’s some kind of freaky glazed ham. Makes me feel like a vom actually.
    Good to see she’s her ever classy self.


  • The image is totally ludicrous.


  • It has to be fake – how can you get clothes to fit?!


  • yeah photo shopped to make her waist slimmer so her butt stands out more but it is very vuluptuous


  • I am not surprised as her body and image are her commodity.


  • The wonders of Photoshop!


  • Argh im sick of seeing her butt every where.
    What are we teaching our little girl or teenage daughters that it is OK to flaunt ourselves?
    and they wonder why there is so many early teenage pregnancy.
    Seriously who finds her a role model?

    • Totally agree. It has been photo shopped I think because nobody could be that out of proportion even with the ridiculous surgery these people put themselves through with backside implants. I don’t think it sends our sons our daughters a good image and I certainly don’t think it’s a realistic one that they should aspire to. The whole concept of “breaking the Internet” is ridiculous. I find that anaconda song equally as ridiculous. My son wanted to watch the film clip and I said no way, as I had seen it and was totally shocked.


  • It looks to big, it as in her butt. With a figure like hers I’d be showing it off proudly, but then again there is a point when it becomes a pathetic call for more self promotion.


  • Photoshopped without doubt. But the photos did get people talking. Which is the point.


  • Totally photoshopped. Even Nicki Minja’s butt isn’t even shaped like that and her’s is plastic. Well, they got what they wanted. I still don’t think the Kadashian Clan is anything to live up too. Honestly, they are good at mocking the media and ruling it and calling the shots. However, the whole persona they give isn’t what I would endorse for my daughter or son for that fact.


  • unbelievable …I just hope its not real


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