

Mothers who had a caesarean section at a Melbourne hospital in the last three years may have been exposed to hepatitis B.

An investigation has been launched by The Department of Health after an unidentified healthcare worker was recently diagnosed with hepatitis B.  It is thought more than 650 patients at the hospital have been put at risk at contracting the infectious disease.

Addressing a media pack yesterday, Victoria’s Acting Chief Health Officer, Dr Roscoe Taylor said that as a precautionary measure 654 patients were being contact directly by the Health Department to arrange for Hepatitis B testing.

Only patients who have been contacted directly by the Health Department need to take any action and Dr. Taylor said the hospital involved would not be named.

In an interview with The Herald Sun, one mother said, “The only procedure I’ve ever had was an emergency C-section three years ago … I know exactly which hospital it was,” she said.  “The Health Department wouldn’t give me any specific information about who it could have been, but told me to go straight away and get a blood test.  Now I’m devastated, waiting for my results, I haven’t stopped crying and I can’t sleep.”

The Age is reporting that 150 people have already responded to the request for testing and so far there have not been any reports of patients contracting hepatitis B from the worker involved.

If you are needing information or support with hepatitis B and hepatitis C contact Hepatitis Victoria’s Infoline on 1800 703 003.

Image source: ShutterStock

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  • I have had 2 c sections at a Melbourne hospital in the past 3 years so nervously read this article. But I haven;t been contacted… phew. Very scary.


  • What a horrible thing if anyone’s been infected.


  • How awful. I hope there are no others infected.


  • My goodness the one place you think you would be safe. Sending thoughts to those waiting on results


  • I was starting to worry about my daughter in law, she gave birth to my my first grandchild 3 weeks ago, but hers was a natural delivery. Phew


  • How awful for those waiting for results. I hope no one has been infected


  • Gosh, how awful and scary!


  • If any of the new Mum contracted the disease I hope their babies haven’t got it too. With some diseases it it possible to be a carrier but not suffer from the disease themselves. I don’t know the odds of any of the children being infected with it at some time in the future, the Dad either for that matter.


  • That’s awful, i hope no one caught it from the worker


  • So scary!! Hopefully there are no cases of new mums infected.


  • This is terrifying! I would hate to go through this!


  • This is terrifying! I can imagine getting the blood test and having to wait for the results. Let’s hope nobody contracted hepatitis.


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