

A six-year-old boy’s story about being attacked by bullies was all just a big lie, according to new reports.

Detectives with the Olympia Police Department said they developed information that the boy’s story wasn’t holding up and the injuries might not have been from an attack.

“The injuries sustained by the child are the result of a fall, which occurred at the apartment complex on the date in question, not an assault,” Olympia Police Department in Washington state said in a news release on Thursday.

“As a result, there are no suspects of any age.”

The boy’s mother, Dana English, said that she found her son, Carter, injured last Wednesday and that he told her that he had stood up to a group of kids who were bullying his friend, according to KOMO News.

He then said the bullies beat him with rocks and sticks and rubbed sawdust in his eyes.

His mother said Carter had a broken arm along with cuts and bruises on his face, and he needed surgery to repair a cut above his eye.

However, the boy admitted he had made the story up. The police did not provide details about the fall, which was the cause of the injuries.

Before donations were halted, a GoFundMe Page for the boy had raised over $45,000 to help pay for the family’s medical expenses.

Due to Carter’s age, no charges will be filed, police say.

“Appropriate social services have been notified to ensure the continued welfare of the child involved,” Olympia Police said.

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  • What will happen to the GoFundMe money raised? I hope it’s donated to a charity if it’s not possible to return to the people who donated


  • I wonder why the child lied as to how he was injured. Perhaps he feared punishment from parents for being where he should not have been.
    Or doing what he should not have been doing?
    Something does not sit right with me about this.


  • Maybe it is the only way he gets attention from people, maybe that includes his parents.
    It is pretty severe if he feels he has to be a victim of violence to achieve attention…..or is there a mental health issue involved as well.
    I know a young boy his Mum completely ignored him when his baby sister came along. The problem was his Mum continued to ignore him for a few years. She didn’t attempt to give him any quality time at all. If he asked for anything more often than not she said no. At about 7 years old he started being naughty just to get attention. His little sister left school earlier than he did so she would throw things around his room and he was the one who got into trouble, was sent to his room and spent even less time with his Mum. The Mum wouldn’t believe anybody that it was happening even though she bragged about it to some other relatives who were accused of lying.


  • Why even lie? He must have been doing something naughty.


  • quite an accomplished liar for his age, a future in politics maybe


  • For a 6 year old to make up a story like that, there must me more to it


  • Concerning the lie got so far and people donated so much money.


  • I’m wondering if he is getting bullied and he just wanted someone to notice. He’s only a young boy and needs to know that telling lies is wrong. Hopefully he will heal both inside and out.


  • That’s kind of sad the boy felt for making up this story, but that’s what kids (and adults) sometimes do, making a story up and then they can’t oversee what the consequence is of doing so.


  • Poor boy.
    Sounds like there is more to the story . Why would the boy create a story about kids abusing him? Yet his injuries say it was caused by a fall. Seems like he is covering someone up.


  • Wow, a lie gone too far


  • There’s seems to be alot more to this.
    Hope the $45000 was paid back


  • So what happens to the $45 000 raised on the go fund me page? Are people reimbursed or what…..


  • Shocking! Who would a child that age come up with such an elaborate story?! Seems like there’s more to it.


  • Very shocking story wonder why he made it up


  • This sounds quite worrying – I hope it’s not covering up a case of parental abuse.


  • I wonder why he made up this story though?


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