

21 Comment

Dyed coloured eggs make great as decorations at Easter and they are so easy to make. You can ever draw on them in crayon to make cool patterns before you dye them.

What you’ll need:

  • hard boiled eggs (less fragile then fresh ones)
  • boiling water
  • white vinegar
  • food colouring


  1. Combine 1/2 cup boiling water, 1 tsp of vinegar and 10 drops of food colouring in a bowl. Make up bowl of different colours.
  2. Place eggs in mixture for 5 minutes, then remove and leave to dry.
  3. Your eggs are ready to display, it’s that easy!

Watch the video for easy to follow visual instructions:

How cute are these?

PLEASE share your comments with us below

  • Very cute and a bit of fun for the kids


  • Oh these are fun.
    I have a Greek friend who does this and she uses wax from candles to draw designs on them beforehand. They look so pretty when she’s done.


  • We dye Easter eggs as a tradition. Can be a bit of work, but fun and you can cut some leaves and secure and tie the egg in old stocking and add to dye; once done, remove the stocking for a very pretty egg.


  • I have never done this before.


  • Whilst I can’t see any video, this is such a fab, fun, easy activity for Easter.


  • Thank you. I look forward to making the coloured eggs.


  • Such great ideas! My son will love this!


  • These turned out so beautiful in colour. I’m getting so hyped up for Easter now, thank you!


  • A great idea for Easter and it seems easy! Thanks!


  • In Poland we ale using onion skin to colour eggs ( u need to cook them with it)


  • Can’t wait for my daughter to be older to do this


  • I am saving this so me and Archer can make some this year!


  • I’d like to try this, this year with the kids.


  • Lovely !
    You can also get lovely effects with colouring with beetroot juice, spinach and fruits.


  • Myself and my family being of Greek religion as we follow our tradition every Easter we also dye eggs and use them I’m a game as a celebration that Christ has Risen.


  • These are so cute. Thank you


  • So they still have egg inside the shell? Wouldn’t that get really smelly really quickly?


  • Coloured eggs at Easter are just so beautiful and the pastel colours are soft and subtle.

    • Coloured eggs make the most beautiful Easter display.


  • A really fun idea for Easter,thanks!


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