


It’s clear veganism is on the rise in Australia. As of 2019, Australia was the third fastest growing vegan market in the world.

There are many reasons for eating vegan, from animal welfare, to health and nutrition, to reducing your impact on the environment.

Leading dietitian Susie Burrell says incorporating more plant-based foods into your diet is always a good idea.

“A good diet is always built on the foundation of plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables,” she says.

“While the suggested serve is 2-5 per day, I recommend 7-10 per day for optimal health. Eating vegan or vegetarian is a fantastic way to up your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables as without meat you need to bulk up your meals.

“However, removing meat and dairy products from your diet is not without its disadvantages. Without solid research and planning, vegetarian and vegan diets can lower your intake of key nutrients like B12, iron and protein.

“It’s important to identify the gaps in your diet and ensure you eat enough of the right foods to fill those gaps. For example, nuts are a fantastic and vegan-friendly source of protein, which should be consumed daily. This could be a plain handful, a natural nut spread on bread or veggie sticks or used in cooking.

“If you are taking part in Veganuary I recommend switching to Mayver’s Protein Plus range for added protein.”

Are you Vegan or thinking of going Vegan? Tell us in the comments below.

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  • I have a lot of friends that are vegans and they are loving it!


  • Vegetarian and Vegan cooking is good for getting a good intake of fruit and vegetables and yummy nuts. We love to eat a lot of vegetarian meals and some of our favourite recipes are vegetarian.


  • Everything in moderation I feel works best


  • No interest here, animal products are essential for health


  • I would love to become vegan,
    I’ve been researching and planning on how to do it effectively in the new year

    • There seem to be many resources available for being Vegan. Good luck!


  • I consider myself plant based vegetarian but I would like to give veganuary a try! I love the tips provided.


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