

The Swedish homewares store proves that you can flat pack just about anything! IKEA has launched a flat pack chocolate Easter bunny!

If you love IKEA, chances are you also love the challenge of flat pack furniture, but it turns out that the store offers much more than just the perfect storage solution or kitchen fit out. The Swedish retail giant has released an edible flat pack chocolate Easter bunny just in time for chocolate season, and it combines all the joy of self-assembly with delicious milk chocolate.

ikea flat pack chocolate Easter bunny

Step By Step

The do-it-yourself chocolate comes in three parts that are neatly placed together to create the Easter bunny, without a single screw or set of instructions in sight! The ears, body and legs slot together allowing the bunny to stand completely upright. The product is not only a bit of fun, but is also sustainable, using UTZ certified cacao. IKEA says that the bunny can also be used as a cute Easter decoration, but the Aussie heat and temptation for little tummies means we can’t see it lasting long enough for that!

ikea flat pack chocolate Easter bunny

The flat pack Easter bunnies are $6 each and expected to remain in IKEA stores until June. They are not available for purchase online.

We think they’d make an amazing Easter craft activity for kids over the school holidays, or a super cute alternative to a party bag if your child’s birthday is in the lead up to chocolate season!

What do you think of IKEA’s flat pack chocolate Easter bunny? Let us know in the comments!

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  • Now thats a bit of yummy fine


  • I’ll pass on this – hate trying to put a flatpack together at the best of times.


  • Such a cute idea, if you have any pieces left over you just eat them!


  • LOL I think I woud eat it instead of putting it together.


  • What a cute idea and so on-brand.


  • Love it, it’s so cute and fit’s with the IKEA brand perfectly.


  • Haha perfect for your Ikea loving buddies


  • That’s awesome for ikea! I’d prob make the bunny but can imagine so many others wouldn’t bother!


  • Haha I love this idea! Delicious and entertaining! Good work IKEA


  • It’s a great idea but I live over 5 hours away from and Ikea store. I wouldn’t want the kids to try and put it together in the heat though.


  • Great idea but I live 3 hours from an ikea


  • This is a great idea. Love it and will definitely be purchasing a few for my kids.


  • I think it’s adorable. What a beautiful idea!


  • i like it and a great idea, might make the time to go and get some for the family


  • What a cool idea. Next time I go to ikea, I might pick one up.


  • I remember this article from last year. I don’t think I would specifically go to Ikea to get a flatback chocolate easter bunny, but the idea is nice.


  • OMGolly! Love this, affordable and fun alternative for the nieces/nephews and godchildren this Easter!


  • Love it! It perfectly fits the ikea image


  • Oh, I have to buy one of those! I’m obsessed with flat pack!


  • OMG. This is gorgeous. My kids would love it.????


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