

It could be a bad case of “baby brain” or brazen shop lifting…

A couple have been caught on camera casually stealing a $2000 brand new pram from a baby nursery retailer in Sydney’s north-west.

Baby Kingdom released the CCTV footage today of the theft in the hope someone recognises the man and woman depicted in the video.

“We recently had a lovely couple visit our Castle Hill store,” the post read.

“They ‘accidentally’ walked out with one of our prams and forgot to pay. If anyone recognises them, please call police, email us or the lovely couple can return to the store and pay for it.”

Their post has attracted over 167,000 views and over 2000 shares.

We know baby brain is really a thing. But not sure it is THIS bad.

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  • That was clearly a preplanned action


  • That had nothing to do with Baby Brain. It was outright theft. Hopefully they get named and shamed


  • No baby brain there, and no baby. Blatant theft. Criminal.


  • A simple case of shoplifting I say.


  • Baby brain… pfft … stealing more like!


  • Clearly a planned act ! Hope someone out there recognizes this couple and comes forward !


  • They knew what they wanted before even entering the store, went straight to it without looking at any other prams. They did not waste any time getting out of there before it was spotted by staff.


  • Not accidently… They just plain stole it.


  • That was definitely deliberate. The store is taking a gentle approach.


  • Stealing is absolutely shocking and shameful.


  • That was no accident. He was rushing her away once they got out the door


  • There is just no way they forgot. It doesn’t get more deliberate.


  • Pretty sure they knew exactly what they were doing! I understand baby brain but I don’t think they would have left the shop without realising their mistake.


  • Really? Come on. They can’t both possibly have forgotten to pay. I think it’s deliberate.


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