


British glamour model Katie Price (aka Jordan) has revealed the name of her fifth child, a daughter born six weeks ago.

Bunny Hayler makes her debut on the cover of the UK’s OK magazine with her mother discussing their choice of moniker.

Source- OK! Magazine

“It’s really cute, isn’t it?” she told OK. “We really struggled to decide on a name. I wanted to call her Duchess Kate or just Duchess, but Kieran didn’t Iike that.”

Kieran Hayler is Katie’s third husband, and she discovered while pregnant that he had been cheating on her regularly with her best friend.

But the couple, who already have 1-year-old son Jett, are giving it a go and worked on Bunny’s name together. Bunny should consider herself lucky. “I considered it being spelt Bunni with a heart above the i, but I don’t think that’s really a part of the English language.”

Katie is mother to Harvey, 12, with footballer Dwight Yorke. Harvey has significant challenges including blindness and autism. 

She married Australian singer Peter Andre and they had son Junior, 9, and daughter Princess.

Peter, however, has just revealed that his 7-year-old “is telling me she doesn’t want me to call her Princess and she doesn’t like the colour pink anymore. All of a sudden she wants everything blue.”

Princess’s middle name, Tiiaami, is an amalgamation of her two grandmothers’ names, Thea and Amy. 

Peter says he loved his then-wife’s suggestion of Princess, “but I wanted to name her after both our mums. Then I just woke up one morning and thought, I know! We’ll just put them together! If people don’t like it, that’s up to them.”

Katie is 36, and plans to have more children: “I’ll definitely have another one before I’m 40. And then another in my early 40s. Then I’m going to freeze my eggs …”

Perhaps this will help her use up all her ideas for names – she also toyed with Electra (after Baywatch actress Carmen Electra), Disney, Precious, Lady, Bambi and Peggy.

And Duchess is still on the cards. “I’ve told Kieran that if we have another daughter that will be her name,” said Katie. “I think it goes well with Princess. She would have been Duchess Kate of Brighton.” 

What do you think of baby Bunny as a name? Can you imagine her as an adult?

Main image courtesy of Instagram
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  • Each to their own, but I think she should have used these names for pets instead.


  • Mmmm names are hard….as they might seem cute now but could be ridiculous in years to come. You can never judge but more people seem to go for out there names.


  • Poor kid! That’s really bad!


  • wow……just…..wow

    i think it would’ve been a cute name for an old lady about a hundred years old but it’s not a name that i would consider


  • Wow – I mean each to their own but … Really?


  • Dislike the name but each to their own.


  • “Princess” is a royal title the same as “Prince” is in many countries. I personally don’t think they should be used as first christian names. There are some nice names that are starting to be used after being dropped for a few years. Admittedly some are because they are “family” names used down the generations – sometimes as first names, sometimes as middle. I have noticed that some families from European countries particularly Greece are shortening their surnames.


  • Cute for a baby, but cringe worth as a teenager and into adult-hood.


  • Congratulations on the new edition. Names are a personal thing given from the parent to their child. Each name has it’s own meaning and loving intent.


  • All I can say is poor kids. What a dill of a mum.


  • Interesting (and expected) that her daughter princess does not like her name (probably as she get teased at school) and they are using another name up for ridicule for their next child. Thats just mean.


  • Just did the shopping survey, hope I win as $250 food will go a long way in this house!!! Hope everyone is having a great Saturday, beautiful weather on Central Coast today.


  • To each their own, no one would bat an eyelid if it was a nickname so what’s the difference.


  • some crazy name ideas – sometimes I feel sorry for the kids!


  • I can’t believe this story is true!


  • Its cute when you are little but a little strange as an adult


  • Bunny or worse Bambi! What else would you expect from the Queen Of Tackiness?


  • I think the name is kind of cruel, as her mother is considered more of a playboy bunny in terms of fame, than anything else.


  • OH MY GAWD!!
    “I considered it being spelt Bunni with a heart above the i, but I don’t think that’s really a part of the English language.”
    Are you serious woman? She needs a license to name her children, she gets more and more ridiculous


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