


Jodi Anasta and husband Braith welcomed their first daughter in March, and the couple are already thinking about expanding their family. 

The 29-year-old actress attended Derby Day in Melbourne over the weekend, and spoke to The Daily Mail about her desire to have more children.

The 29-year-old actress, who was looking as gorgeous as ever, gave birth to daughter Aleeia in March and revealed that she and Braith definitely want more children.

“I think we want to make sure it’s the right time for both of us and at the moment it’s kind of time to work and explore that and get into acting, for me.”

At the right time it’ll be great to have one or two more, I’m looking forward to it.

The star also revealed that baby Aleeia has “really started to come out of her shell and understand that if people look at her and interact with her she can get attention.”

While Jodi enjoyed her day at the races, she couldn’t have been more pleased to be home snuggling with her daughter, posting this gorgeous photo earlier this morning:

The actress also shared this adorable photo of her family at the beach last month, with the caption:

“Sunday #BeachDay #FamilyDay”

When did you start thinking about expanding your family? 

Main image courtesy of Instagram
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  • What a gorgeous little bub, cheers.


  • I have only just started thinking about my family this year however it wont be happening for a while sadly.


  • Never had to, had twin boys first and then surprise daughter 20 months later so never had to plan which was probably good as I doubt I would have had 3 children, now years later I see that it was a blessing and I have 3 healthy adults, I really think that it should be left to nature, what will be will be. I understand that this is not the case for everyone but I was fortunate.


  • What beautiful and natural looking photos. My family probably won’t be expanded beyond it’s two members at this stage in my life


  • I always knew I wanted kids. We had our 1st just after our 2 wedding anniversary. Number 2 followed 18 months later…. And now I’m working on hubby for number 3!


  • Never thought about expanding after 8 mths like Jodi, but good luck to her.


  • Her daughter is such a cutie. Aww that gorgeous smile.


  • Congratulations and good luck for the future to them


  • I knew I wanted 2 kids from the start and wanted them 2 years apart so did the math and tried then. Went a bit over time so they are 29 months apart but it is still close enough for them to bond and be great friends.


  • we have a lovely 4 year gap between our girls – and it is great :) no more expanding our family though now – Jodi’s daughter is sooo beautiful.


  • Happy with 2, don’t need to expand.


  • I always wanted a large family and once I had baby #1 i was keen to have #2 but my husband decided that 1 child was enough….he gave in 3 years later and we had #2…took another 5 years to get #3


  • I’ve never said never, but unfortunately it’s not happened for me. We had many issues and complications, so I’d say it was many years (maybe 5 or more!) before I thought I could do it again.


  • Love the photo at the beach – so cute.

    Immediately after giving birth to my first child (very difficult labour), I decided I would never get pregnant ever again! But then within 24 hours I was so besotted by my son that I had forgotten all about the labour and started thinking how I really needed to have more!


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