


Fergie and Josh Duhamel’s little boy, Axl, was born 13 months ago and those months seem to have flown by. 

“He’s already swimming around in the pool, and I was like, ‘What the hell happened to my baby?’” says Josh. “He’s walking all over the place, talking. He’s a toddler now!” 

Like most parents of toddlers, Josh and Fergie have found that although the days sometimes seem long, the years seem short.

“It happens quick. Next thing you know, they’re going off to college,” he says. “So that’s one thing I’ve really taken to heart, trying to be there as much as I can.”

Fatherhood did great things for the 41-year-old actor. His 38-year-old wife drove him to a soup kitchen one day and the lines of parents and kids waiting for food shocked him into action. 

Since then, he’s been doing work with Unilever Project Sunlight.

“After we had our boy, I think that really opens your eyes,” he says. “Any parent would understand how awful it would be if you weren’t able to provide fully for your kid, and unfortunately, there’s a lot of that happening in the US.”

“Even though there’s so much food that’s wasted every year in this country, there’s still so many families, especially children, who don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Having a child of our own made us even more willing to try to do something.”

Next on the agenda for this busy little family: Halloween. Axl had a rock-and-roll themed first birthday party, but for trick or treating, “I think Axl’s going as a skunk,” says his dad. “I’m sure it will be something ridiculous.”

Do you do anything for Halloween with your kids?

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  • Cute little bub, looks like his mum.


  • A nice variation on the celebrity baby story.


  • their bubby is very cute. he looks like a combination of both his parents


  • yep i know! time goes by so quick. this is the best time of my life!

    • i think that their bubby is a cutie! looks like a combo of both the parents


  • He is one gorgeous baby! Time sure does fly right before your eyes! Cherish every moment because before you know it they’ll be talking back at us! Haha


  • way to go , this baby is going to be spoiled rotten and so cute toooo


  • They always grow way too quickly :(


  • Really? He’s already thirteen months old & walking? That has gone so quick. I thought Axl was still a baby. Such a cutie.


  • Halloween parades and fun Halloween events


  • lol this family is so fun


  • WOW! It seems like yesterday


  • Where we live Halloween isn’t a big deal, but thinking about dressing the boys up in costumes, putting balloons up in front of the house so that people know to call by. Love to see their little costumes.


  • OMG they are totally gorgeous.
    That kid is cute .
    So cute as a skunk.
    My kids didn’t do halloween much as babies mostly witches and vampires.


  • Oh that baby is so SO cute and his daddy…..well *sigh*


  • Axl is just so gorgeous. We used to take our son trick or treating – only to family and a couple of friends he knew. He’s lost interest now though.


  • What gorgeous photos! They have one awesome boy there!


  • very beautiful. Canvas Prints


  • Oh what a little cutie he is…the baby i mean…although Dads not too bad either :)

    My kids always went Trick or Treating but now that they are older they love to pack lollie bags and give them out at the door


  • Fergie’s got two hot looking guys there! Great to see Josh helping out others.


  • so great to hear this miracle is also creating miracles for other people. Great job Josh


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