

Singer Kelly Clarkson, who is expecting her first child, doesn’t know why they call it morning sickness. “That’s my big joke right now,” she said on the US Today show. “It’s like all day and night.”

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  • That is normal for most expecting mothers.. Didn’t anyone give her any advice on problems in pregnancy?!?


  • wow kelly has a pretty cool mike in that picture. i didn’t really have morning sickness but i went from absolutely loving salami to being pregnant and feeling sick as soon as i smelt it. lol


  • I was sick all the way through it wasnt nice nothing helped


  • Yep I remember that – not able to hold anything down – even water – I was 9 months pregnant before I weighed as much again as I had at 3 months pregnant, 24/7 sickness for the full 9 months – and people wondered why I didn’t want a second child!


  • I think many can relate to Kelly during their pregnancies.


  • All the best, look forward to the second part…….I think it is most touching that you both care for your husbands two sons…….that is real love.


  • I think everyone feels tired at some stage of their pregnancy


  • Planning a family soon, do hope that I don’t get any sickness….! Hoping!


  • I felt very tired and just a bit nauseous


  • I feel for her, couldn’t imagine how I’d have coped feeling sick all day.


  • Poor thing, I was lucky enough to miss out on morning sickness


  • In was lucky but know some mums who have suffered all through pregnancy with chronic morning sickness


  • Apparently my Mother was.during the day and during the middle of the night too. My Dad kept a bowl under his side of the bed because she would start retching before she was even awake. He often had the bowl under her chin when she woke up, just in time. She was on a special diet “no fat, no this, no that” She was even rushed to hospital twice.
    (she never smoke or drank she hated he smell of both of them). The Dr. even tried injections containing liver. When she was about 8 months pregnant with my brother (he is younger than me), Mum decided one night that she wanted fish & chips + a glass of coke.
    It was the first time she wasn’t sick in months. After that she still cooked our meals and she had a small glass of coke every night and it was very rare she was sick after that. Apparently the Dr. wasn’t overly impressed when she told him – until she told him “too bad at least I’m not being sick and enjoying my food.


  • I had it all day too but on and off throughout the day and night.


  • That’s horrible! I was lucky and didn’t get too affected by morning sickness!


  • I had that tooo all day everyday


  • I used to get afternoon sickness


  • All the best to Kelly. She will make a wonderful mother


  • Poor Kelly – that really sucks


  • Poor Kelly, I had NVP 24/7 with all three of my kids right up until they were born so I sympathise.


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