

KFC will pay parents in the United States to name their child after Colonel Sanders, in a unique promotion.

The first parents to name their newborn baby ‘Harland’, on September 9 will win $15,000 for their child’s university education.

“All you have to do is name your kid Harland on 9/9 and your kid could get $11,000 [$15,141 AUD] for college,” KFC posted on a Twitter video.

The promotion celebrates what would be the 128th birthday of KFC’s founder Colonel Harland Sanders and the amount of $11,000 USD is a nod to the company’s secret blend of 11 herbs and spices.

“Even though vintage names are making a comeback, our iconic founder’s name was dwindling in popularity, and we couldn’t just stand idly by and let that happen,” Andrea Zahumensky, KFC USA’s chief marketing officer said in a statement.

“We hope that this birthday celebration honours the Colonel and encourages the next generation of people aspiring to live the American dream.”

Parents must legally register their child’s first name as Harland and register their details with KFC within a month of the birth.

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  • That is a really awesome promotion and could be giving a child an opportunity that they otherwise wouldnt have.


  • What a promotion scheme. I guess – only in America.


  • How cool – I kinda like that name!


  • Um no thanks. Not enough money in the world for someone to dictate or control my child’s name.


  • This is just plain crazy…
    I would prefer a prize of a lifetime supply of KFC.


  • Harland is actually quite nice. Could have been worse.


  • Hope parents really consider calling their child Harland before they do the promotion.
    Harland is a beautiful name tho, and it sounds unisex too.


  • I like Harland, better than what I thought it would be


  • Well at least is is Harland, and not Colonel! Some people will do anything for money


  • I bet there is an enourmous rise of Harlan’s in America in 2018!


  • What a novel promotion. You could always rename the baby after the promotion or use their middle name as their name.

    • There will not doubt be terms and conditions which hopefully people will take the time to read!


  • No way! I suppose some people may take up this offer? I would never name my child after any celebrity or high profile person. I hope any parents look into the fine print!!


  • I’ve never heard of Harland Sanders. You must be quite desperate for fame to ask people to name their child after your company’s founder and reward them with big money for it.


  • I know one gentleman whose name is in fact Colonel.


  • It’s actually not too bad a name. Not sure that I would use it though. It would make a good pet’s name :)


  • That’s quite a unique name and many parents would be ok with it. I thought they wanted the baby named ‘Colonel’..lol


  • Not the worst name I guess.


  • Might be a few Harlands born that day.


  • I’d probably do it, you could always nickname it Harley!


  • Its not a bad name, but not one i would name my son.


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