
Kmart has hurriedly pulled a children’s kids’ diary off their shelves after a mum was shocked to discover that the popular Frozen 2 product was x-rated.

A Queensland mum was disgusted after she bought the Frozen II Secret Diary Make Over Set for her daughter’s birthday
from Kmart and discovered that it had a list of sexual positions and sex toys.

Toni Alamos posted a video on her Facebook page of her unexpected pornographic find and it has attracted hundreds of comments and shares.

When Tori checked the diary, she found the first page of the book was X-rated. It contained a comprehensive list of sexual positions, toys and locations, including handcuffs, paddles and something called a Furry Plug.

“Anyone who got the Elsa ‘Frozen 2 secret Diary’ Just be careful !!!!!!!!! Honestly can’t believe it!!!” wrote Tori.

The comments to the mum’s post were quite hilarious:

“do you wanna build a dildo, we can make it out of clay?” said one witty comment.

“Am I the only one here that thinks that this looks like some sort of X-Rated form of cluedo? Maybe the company who manufactures the diary also makes that,” one commenter suggested.

“Somewhere there is a sex toy catalogue with Anna and Elsa print in it.”


The mum reported the inappropriate product and Kmart rapidly pulled it off the shelves. The retailer spoke to 7NEWS saying that they were ‘mortified’.

“We are so very sorry – and extremely embarrassed – to hear about a customer’s recent experience with our Frozen 2 Dairy Make Over Set,” said a Kmart spokesperson.

“This does not in any way reflect our views as a family business and we are investigating this situation as a priority with our supplier.

“We do hope this is an isolated incident, but have decided to withdraw this item from sale just to be sure.”

They assured customers that they would be conducting a “thorough investigation.”

 What do you think about this X-rated discovery? Tell us in the comments below.

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  • Oh my lord…..I wonder if kmart had sourced the diary from a place that wasnt 100% legit.


  • Oh my that’s not good.


  • auto correct sticks again.


  • That’s a big oops


  • I’m glad I didn’t buy it for my daughters.
    It’s a massive mistake but sorta has a funny side to it. Wouldn’t have been funny if I had bought it and my girls were reading it.


  • These kind of mistakes can put a huge impact on innocent minds. I am happy that mum looked at it first before her kids.


  • How on earth did that happen??


  • Definately a eye opener


  • Holy moley, this is a bit of a shock.


  • Kind of funny, I would be curious to see if it was actually one or all of the products that was shipped? Maybe one of the workers who made them got bored and thought it would be fun to change it up a bit!


  • ONG – totally shocked – a Chinese brand – Kmart should check what they buy – and atm stop buying from China


  • How on earth could this have made it through quality control!??

    • It would be interesting to hear the outcome of any investigation into the error!


  • Hopefully it was an honest mistake by the manufacturer.


  • How could they have printed the diary without realizing it????


  • Some one in some department did not read the small print


  • It is kind of funny. Mistakes are made, have a giggle, take it back and move on!

    • Yeah, or just tear the page out !


  • Oh dear its sort of funny but NOT


  • Oops! Oh my. How on earth did this happen? Who was the distributor and where did it come from?


  • So glad I changed my mind on buying my 5 year old niece one .. what an oops !


  • Just heard this on the radio- huge whoops! Clearly quality control missed this one !


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