

Chrissy Teigen stepped out for date night with husband John Legend just a short nine days after she gave birth to their daughter, baby Luna. Boy did the haters hate. Now hubby John has stuck up for his wife.

Chrissy Teigen, 30, and John Legend, 37, stepped out for their first date night recently since welcoming baby Luna into the world.

We shared Chrissy certainly didn’t expect to wake the morning after and discover all the haters who criticised her for leaving her newborn at home. “I went to dinner. People are pissed. Good morning!” she tweeted, including a screen shot of the comments she was receiving.

John Legend has since stuck up for his wife writing “Funny there’s no dad-shaming,” wrote John. “When both of us go out to dinner, shame both of us so Chrissy doesn’t have to take it all. We’ll split it.”

His followers were in full support.


Good on you dad! I do love a man who sticks up for his wife.

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  • Unless she left her baby at home alone I dont really see that its anyones business. As long as her baby was well looked after then fair enough.


  • Good on them for taking a break and good on him for sticking up for her. What business is it of anyone else’s anyway? Stuff that for a joke.


  • Glad he stuck up for his mrs
    Very unfair of people to judge when all she did was leave her house for a meal with her husband.

    this is the 21st century, women should be able to eave the house without the baby just as much as the men. As long as the baby is safe, good on her for having the energy.


  • Absolutely true! Good on him. When will people give women/mums a break & just go about your own business?!


  • Well done John for sticking up for your wife. How dare Chrissy be shamed. I’m sure her baby was with someone who loved her and that she was well fed. I’m also sure dinner was probably short and sweet with the discussion all about their new bub!!


  • As far as I am concerned if the baby is being looked after by another family member, what is so wrong about them going out for a date. You can see the love they have for their child. Just because others won’t do it is up to the individual. You go Mum and Dad


  • Glad he came out and had his say. He is right what about dad going out and why is it right that he did and his wife did not.


  • Good on him! Isn’t enough enough already? Why does the woman automatically get the blame here in the scenario? And really, who cares! Good on them. If I was up for going out 9 days after having my babies I would have too.


  • Beautiful and right on how he sticks up for his wife ! People can be awful with their judgements.


  • Surely a nice move! They are a nice couple! :-)


  • Good work John. Hope all the haters out there mind their own business.


  • good on him!
    There is nothing wrong with a break
    and i bet the attackers were jealous!


  • Good on John for supporting his wife!


  • Good on him for sticking up for his wife. Well said


  • Good on you, husband. Hope you will forever stick up for your wife. The other thing to do is turn off social media and do what ever you both want to do. Your life is yours to live – others should mind their own business.


  • its great to see John standing up for Chrissy. No matter how soon after giving birth its no1 elses business and everyone deserves time out. Its very important to have a breather and spend some alone time with hubby once baby arrives.


  • I suspect all the criticism about Chrissy were from women, I don’t believe men actually blame women for that.


  • If they had taken the baby with them and exposed him/her to all sorts of germs etc. before immune system is really strong that would be a concern from a medical point of view.


  • Why don’t people mind their own business and clean up their own backyards. She and her husband deserve a date night out. She probably has been confined for the last 6 months not wanting to get out from feeling tired in her pregnancy. Give her and her husband a break. Knockers be quiet.


  • He does make a good point.


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