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I recently had the opportunity to do something so simple yet provided such a great chance to really look at myself and learn some life lessons for my life and me.

I lost my mobile phone. And yes, it’s even simpler when I type it.

Yet this simple thing gave me the opportunity to go through so many of the emotions we are given in life.

A rollercoaster ride of emotions is how I would best describe it really, all in three days! (Thanks by the way to the lovely man who found it and handed it in).

The first emotion I experienced was disbelief.

I am sure it was in my hand when I got out of the car? It must be in my car somewhere. Or maybe it’s still on charge at home. Oh boy did my mind have a field day of possibilities.

Then came shock. Oh no! All photos and videos of my daughter were on there. How are people ever going to contact me?

I run my business through my phone, how am I ever going to function?

Being a practical and positive person my next emotion was determination.

I will simply go and find it. I mean I had only been to two places. Check those two places out and presto, phone will be recovered!

Unfortunately this was not the case. So I realised at this point this baby is going to be missing for a little while.

Welcome faith. I am a woman who lives by my intuition. I straightaway had the feeling and the complete understanding that I would get it back.

Not right away. There was a lesson to learn in this first. Ok so now came my acceptance. Going by spiritual principles acceptance usually is a turning point in life lessons.

So I was happy to sit in this spot and accept the lessons of this simple conundrum, losing my phone.

Also at this point I didn’t for a second realise there were a couple more emotions to play out before I would once again have my phone. And the three next emotions were the ones that definitely held the most learning for me.

Sadness. I really honestly and truly missed my phone. It not sitting where it usually is in my hand or in my handbag made me feel consumed with sadness. So much so that I even went home early while out for the evening simply cause I felt sad.

That night as I got ready for bed another very powerful emotion kicked in. Separation anxiety!

I use my phone at night as a torch, to see the time and to have Internet surf if I can’t sleep. What was I to do? Leave a light on? Wear a watch? Read a book? This lead to a huge sense of another emotion, loss.

The next morning one of my favourite emotions kicked in! freedom.

OMG I realised what a slave I was to my phone. And how without it I was so much more present in my life.

I read a novel in one day! And oh how I love to read. I wasn’t up to date on any Facebook gossip, news or constantly checking to see if I had a text or message. I wasn’t looking through my old photos or on Google looking up something. I WAS IN THE PRESENT. THE NOW. THE REAL WORLD. And people let me tell you, it was a peaceful place!

Even though my phone did find its way home I am super grateful for the lessons learned.

I have learnt powerful lessons in my life. Technology is cool, but like everything else, moderation is the key. And being in the real world is where I want to be.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com
  • It is a good idea to remove ourselves from technology sometimes.


  • Life sure is a rollercoaster of emotions, so strap yourself in, get comfortable and enjoy the ride…..hang on!


  • You realise just how much technology has integrated into our lives when you lose access to things like phone and computer.


  • I know what you mean. On the odd occasion, I’ve left my mobile at home and felt like part of me is missing. Even though it wasn’t and it probably didn’t ring the whole day.


  • We are so reliant on technology nowadays.. When used properly it is very useful.. But don’t let it take over your life!


  • excellent article and advice
    wish lot I new earlier but still learning and nice
    pass on to younger women I know
    advice is a thing women should tell as we go
    I meditate regularly and do spiritual things too
    so know it works as I am emotionally better it is true


  • Yes and we do have the choice to turn off these devices and become free. We just have to make the choice.


  • Well, its good to know you were able to adjust to the separation between you and your phone.
    Having said that, I think we have become dependant and addicted to our phones. We have also become lazy, for instance I for one do not remember most telephone numbers.
    One day I forgot my charger at home and my battery was dead.
    I was released early fem work and wanted to cll my daughter to tell her not to pick me up as i was on my way home by train.
    For the life of me I was just standing there by the public phone booth trying to phone but i could not remember her phone number without looking at my contacts’ list.

    So yes, I can really identify with what you went through.


  • I think there are many of us that can relate to this. I had to book a wake up reminder call once because I did not have my mobile and I always use it as my alarm clock!


  • I have waned myself off the phone, going from charge to charge without use, but the laptop is a whole different story, lol.


  • Interesting article, thankyou for reminding us of what is really important sometimes we don’t realise


  • It is great to sometimes have a wake up call to what is really important, I try to have sometime each day without my phone, but society has made them such fixtures in our lives in such a very short time. We have an unwritten rule of no phones at meal times, there has to be times of family and friends togetherness without them or we are going to lose the art of verbal conversation.


  • I love it when we go camping and my phone is ‘out of range’


  • life can be very hard at times


  • Thanks for sharing this article.


  • I lost my phone also and did pretty much the same thing … I freaked out…but someone found it and as I had my home address on it they bought it back to me.. thank god


  • a good lesson to learn. i often leave my phone in the car overnight because i forget about it. in one respect i feel silly for forgetting it but in another i feel good since im not obsessing over my phone.


  • Great article; I really enjoyed it! Oh, and oh so true!!


  • Thank you for your feedback ladies. It was a really interesting experience, I had to write about it! Very grateful for the lessons I learnt. My phone and I are back together although it doesn’t get as much quality time as it used to. Cheers Liz Stringer @ Miracle Minded http://www.miracleminded.com.au


  • yeah i don’t need to rely on my phone this much but i still panic if i can’t find it lol—just because i have my children’s photos on it


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