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A little boy who was nearly killed by a falling glass door has been haunted by nightmares of the event.

7 News reports, Lawson Lowe still struggles with the trauma after a glass door fell on him leaving him with a huge gash on his back that needed 300 stitches.

The three-year-old is still struggling with nightmares, but thanks to two kind paramedics he had been able to confront his fears and take a look inside an ambulance for fun.

Lawson took full advantage of the experience and even got to have a go at pretending to drive the vehicle.

Lawson’s mum Aleeda Lowe told the 000 operator: “A glass door just fell on my not even three-year-old. It’s the biggest gash I’ve ever seen in my life on his back”

Lawson has been left with deep scaring physically and mentally following the accident.

Mrs Lowe added: “We got told if he had been facing the opposite way he would have died on the floor.”

Lawson was brave during the ride to Sydney Children’s Hospital and he still remembers what happened.

Mrs Lowe explained Lawson screams out about not wanting to go in the ambulance and not wanting to go to hospital during nightmares.

The paramedics hope to replace those bad memories with good ones.


Paramedic Pat Dale told 7 News: “It’s good that we got to come here today, meet him, and make sure he’s not scared of ambulances.”

So terrifying for the poor little man.

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Images via 7 News.

  • Terrible thing to have happened – I’m sure the ambulance, noises of the ambulance and the door smashing down and the glass shattering are all entwined. It might take a very long time for him to get over it all because it’s all entwined with the pain of his cut back. I’m sure the recent ambulance ride will help a lot, but expect some trauma when he next hears an ambulance siren.


  • I hope this helps him to understand that Ambulances are not always bad considering his age. Given the fact he was so badly injured and distressed the size of it probably frightened him. He probably felt claustrophobic with the sides of the Ambulance being so high, not like a car with windows you can see through. Facing backwards being put in the Ambulance may have freaked him out too. He may still need counselling if he doesn’t improve


  • Poor little darling – what a shocking experience. Hope he’s able to move forward.


  • Poor little guy. I hope he recovers from this experience.


  • I bet his mother has nightmares too.


  • Little boy. What a nasty experience. I hope he will get the helps he need to overcome these nightmares.


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