

Meet little Max the two year old who is lucky to be alive after a fall from a first storey window.

Mum, Louisa Ryan, saw her son lying face down on the concrete outside, grizzling, reports Herald Sun.

Assuming that he had fallen off a climbing frame, she rushed to open the closest door to him. It was locked.

She tried the other door leading outside. It was a sick feeling like no other to realise her toddler did not have the strength to open and close this door.

The flyscreen that had come away from upstairs confirmed her worst fears. Max had fallen 9 metres from his window.

“I must have realised at that point because I was panicking and running and screaming,” Ms Ryan said. “All I could see was the eye. It looked terrible.”

Royal Children’s Hospital neurosurgeons and ophthalmologists who attended to Max on April 13 confirmed the immediate damage; concussion, fractured skull and eye socket, bleeding and bruising of the brain.

“The scans showed a deep laceration through his brain from the site of the fracture, like a lightning strike, extending about 3cm. That was unusual to see,” surgeon Juliet Clayton said.

“Often if the lining of the brain is caught in a fracture and it happens in a little child, it turns into a growing fracture instead of healing together.”

Over five hours, surgeons removed a triangular piece of forehead skull that included the fracture.

This allowed them access to the torn lining of the brain, which had become a stamp- sized defect.

A patch taken from the chewing muscle at the side of the head creating a watertight seal to repair the lining.

“Most things in life come and go, but you only get one chance with children,” Louisa said. “We feel lucky to have him. To now have him so well, we just want him to have a wonderful, full and happy life.”

Read Max’s full story here.

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  • What a scary incident !! Thank God max survived and is recovering well !


  • How horrofying for his mum. So glad to continue reading to the end to see her beautiful little boy now recovered. Well done to all the medical staff involved.


  • Oh my goodness. I’m so glad max is now ok


  • Think I saw this or read about it in the news the other day. So pleased that Max has pulled through and it’s amazing that he even survived the fall. You have many people thinking of you and willing everything to go right.


  • What a scary fall! He’s so lucky to be alive indeed. I wish him a speed recovery!!


  • The kind of stuff parental nightmares are made of.


  • Great news on Max’s recovery,wishing Max and Louisa all the best for the future!


  • Bless the medical staff. I hope Max makes a full recovery.


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