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Mum assumed to be pregnant with twins gave birth to a “Hercules” baby twice the size of the average newborn.

Nicolina Newcome delivered 13lb 7oz (6.1kg) Tobias without an epidural.

As well as tipping the scales at just under twice the average 7lb 6oz (3kg) newborn, the New Zealander weighed the same as an 11 week old baby.

Annika Reid, Nicolina’s midwife at Waikato Hospital in Hamilton, told the Waikato Times : “He’s a Hercules baby.


“I don’t think that I’ll (deliver) another baby that size the normal way in my career… it’s pretty unreal.”

The midwife also expressed amazement that Tobias was born without a caesarean section.

The new mum tested negative for diabetes leaving doctors stumped as to why Tobias is so big.

WOW! What a gorgeous big bubba!

Can you top Baby Hercules?

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  • Wow….bet they had loads of baby clothes that he just couldnt fit into.


  • Ouch! I wonder if he eats more than average too. Least he’s healthy!


  • Oh I’m wincing just reading this!


  • That is HUGE! I wonder how much damage mum sustained? A natural birth and no pain relief? My biggest was 3.8kgs, nowhere near this bigun!


  • Wow I hope poor Mum got lots of recovery time.


  • Oh my goodness, that is big but congrats to the family.


  • He may be a big baby but that just means there is more of him to love. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful boy.


  • Ooh, my son was nearly 4.1kg and I know how that felt. Ouch.


  • Wow, he’s huge alright, but soooo cute.


  • Wow he’s huge! It’s amazing he didn’t get stuck!


  • The bigger ones are easier to handle but no way would I want one that big. My biggest was 5.5kg and he nearly killed me. So happy this mum is ok and safe.


  • Monumental effort on mumma’s behalf! I take my hat off to her!


  • I found my bubs were big enough and they got bigger the more I had – Glad this mum was able to give birth in a natural way. Enjoy your child.


  • Wow. Good work mumma. My biggest was just over 5kg. That was big enough!


  • Oh wow!


  • One word…ouch!!


  • Glad I didn’t have to give birth to the bubba. Mine where both normal weights thank goodness


  • Wow! He certainly does not look like a newborn. I wonder how many stitches Nicolina had to have.


  • Wow he’s huge. I don’t know how she did it.


  • So cute! My sister had a big one at 10lb 12.5oz he was pint sized compared to this gorgeous giant!


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