

Little Lewis was born with a “Popeye” style birthmark.

The Sun reports, when Lewis Parker, 11 months old, from Scotland, was born his parents noticed he was developing huge birthmarks all over his arm and shoulder.

At two weeks old doctors discovered Lewis had haemangiomas, a collection of blood vessels commonly know known as a strawberry birthmark.

Nikki Parker, 28, became concerned about the growth after she was forced to buy bigger clothing to fit over his shoulder and arm.

The red swelling, which caused his family to affectionately call him Popeye because it looked like he had big muscles, grew to the size of a tennis ball.

Mum-of-two Nikki said: “Thankfully the big birthmark on his shoulder is now half the size – before we used to joke that it made him look like Popeye because it looked like he had huge muscles.


“We were worried when we realised how much his birthmark had grown, even our midwife had never seen anything like it.

“It went from being a rash to a swelling and then to rising off the skin.

“For a long time it was a concern but recently we were given medication to help shrink the large one that was even making it difficult for him to roll.”

Nikki said: “At first we didn’t know what age Lewis’ birthmark would reduce but were hopeful that if we got treatment it would shrink or if not go down on its own.

“His other marks are nail sized and don’t cause him any problem at all – they’re just cosmetic really.

“His little sister Lily adores them but sometimes we have to remind her to play carefully so that it doesn’t irritate his birthmarks.”

Lewis started taking tumour shrinking medication and now it’s almost gone.

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Image via The Sun

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  • That would be scary – not something I’ve heard of before with birth marks.


  • Thank god they found some medication to stop it from growing. I’m imagining it rupturing at some stage with no treatment


  • The beauty is in the imperfection


  • Wow i wonder why it swells? i didn’t think birthmarks did that


  • Goodness that would be so scary. They must have been so very fearful.
    What a darling child…look at that smile.


  • Wow. I’ve never seen anything like this before either. Glad to hear that its shrunken down now


  • Wow i have never seen anything like this before. So happy for the little boy that it reduced its size it looked like it might have been uncormfotable.


  • Wow I was just wondering if this causes any kind of pain. I am glad it is getting smaller. Gorgeous little boy good luck.


  • How gorgeous is he. It would be concerning seeing it grow so much


  • Gorgeous boy. Hope everything gets sorted out, can’t have been easy for him.


  • But what if he stops taking the tumor shrinking medications? Will the birthmark grow again?

    • I certainly hope it doesn’t. I am sure had it continued to swell he might have lost movement in his shoulder, then his arm if it spread more in it.
      A few years ago I saw a little girl with a strawberry birthmark below her right eye. I hope they were able to treat it as it could have been restricting her sight.


  • Gorgeous little boy, I hope they get the outcome they desire! :-)


  • His so cute. So glad that it’s shrinking.


  • wow I didn’t realise a birthmark could grow – I always thought it was just a discolouration of the skin type thing. Gorgeous little boy


  • So glad they are getting a good outcome.


  • So glad this little boys birthmarks are getting smaller and no longer causing problems.


  • Gorgeous little boy, wish him well. Xx


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