

Imagine if the entire MoM Community banded together! Imagine everyone’s helping hands reached out to those Mums who need a little love, help or care!

We know that now, more than ever, we are all being tested to the limit and our lives are a little unpredictable and sometimes downright scary. Because of this, the team at MoM along with some of our favourite brands, are proud to bring you MoM.Cares. Our commitment to our community of beautiful women all over Australia.

This page is specifically for those in AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY who need some help at home or in their neighbourhood.

mom cares banner_500x80_we're all in this together

Now, more than ever, we need each other.  We need to know that we are all here to help each other navigate our lives as best we can.

We’re hoping that with the support of every woman in the MoM community, any women who need a little extra help will be able to get that from the MoM Team, one of our partner brands or another MoM member.

mom cares banner_500x80_don't be afraid to ask for help

If you need anything, we want you to now that MoM.Cares is a safe place to reach out and ask for help. We will do whatever we can to help you find a solution via our community.

Can’t get to the grocery store and home delivery days away? Post your situation on this page and we’ll call out to as many other Mums as we can that might be able to help.

Going a little stir crazy with everyone at home? Post your vent on the main page or this page – it’s a safe space and there will no doubt be someone with a tip to share.


Need some scripts collected from the pharmacy? Post your suburb and town in the comments below and we’ll make sure as many other Mums see it as possible.

Lost your job due to closures and can’t afford a grocery shop? We’ll get the word out and look for a solution wherever possible.

Wondering what to do about your mortgage or large bills? Post your question on this page and other Mums can share their thoughts on what might help.

Can’t get hold of essential items? Post your question on this page and there may just be another MoM Member in your suburb who can help.

The list goes on … and there’s nothing we don’t all want to help you with. Our helping hands are here for every MoM Member.

We’d also love to hear about any of the wonderfully kind gestures you have seen other people making – sharing these ideas might just inspire someone else to do the same.  Again, we’ll shout the love from the rooftops because helping hands need to be applauded.

mom cares banner_500x80_can you help another mom member

We are all in this new World together and it’s all about helping each other.  There is no question too big, too small or too insignificant.  And a problem shared is almost always a problem solved (or at least minimised).

We’re going to keep MoM.Cares pages open indefinitely.  And we’ll be supporting everyone who posts here by sharing their questions and calls for help and advice.

We’d love everyone’s helping hands to pitch in and make this a safe, supportive and completely caring space for everyone.

So come on beautiful MoM Members – show us you care!  Lend your helping hands to make a difference to as many as possible.

As always with everything we do, we thank you in advance for your support, understanding and generous giving and sharing spirit.

Much love,

The MoM Team x


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  • Maybe these should have been given their own section at the top.


  • I think we’ve been quite lucky in Australia. Let’s hope that continues.


  • A fantastic community initiative at this time. :)


  • Such a great idea by the Mom team


  • Wow! So much help out there for so many in these tricky times. It’s a good feeling seeing this

    • It is a good feeling and it is needed right now; positivity and kindness.


  • We are ok atm.. Omg this is awesome we’ve been in lockdown for what feels for forever. Mum of 2 kids. I have 2 heart conditions, brain disease, and connective tissue disease , ( plus more issues) , one kids diabetic and asthmatic the other is aboriginal and we all autistic we are doing ok cause we are a family but knowing we doing it together and are ok


  • This is so great! Thank you! Will check out the NSW one :)


  • Great.


  • Beautiful initiative ! Bless the helping hands in each State, each town, each neighbourhood !


  • Thank you. I am in the ACT, and with no home deliveries of groceries, I’m feeling insecure. I have disabilities, I have three kids under 12 at home now schools are shut, and I have an immuno suppressed husband. I don’t need any specific help right now, but I do appreciate knowing this is here if I need to ask. Thank you.

    • Sounds you can do with some help and care eventhough you say you don’t need anything right now. Bless you !

      • Thanks for sharing BellaB – it’s so tough! We’re here to help if you need to reach out xxx


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