

Young mum charged after her baby suffered a near-fatal overdose after allegedly being poisoned.

A woman will face court today charged over the alleged repeated poisoning of her young child in Sydney’s south west, NSW police report.

In January, detectives from the State Crime Command’s Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Squad commenced an investigation after an 18-month-old boy was treated for a near-fatal overdose of a prescription medication.

Police were told the child was admitted to Sydney Children’s Hospital in January with high levels of Tegretol in his system. The boy was not prescribed the medication at that time.

Following extensive inquiries, a 20-year-old woman was arrested at a home at Lurnea about 7.30am today (Wednesday 6 June 2018).

She was taken to Liverpool Police Station and charged with seven counts of using poison to endanger life or inflict grievous bodily harm.

Police will allege in court the woman administered the drug to the child without a current prescription and contrary to medical instruction.

The woman was refused bail to appear at Liverpool Local Court this afternoon.

The child has since been released from hospital and is currently in the care of relatives.

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  • She doesn’t deserve to be a mother. That poor little boy will have a better life without her.


  • Just cannot believe a mother could do this to her child – she needs to be in psychiatric care.


  • Tegretol (carbamazepine) is used to treat seizures, nerve pain and bipolar disorder. It’s heavy stuff, this can’t be just a mistake.

    • Glad she’s charged. Hope the boy is ok.


  • Maybe she just didn’t realise the harm she was actually doing? But still a lesson learnt on the incorrect use of medicine, hopefully she wakes up to herself


  • Why? How could she? People who hurt the defenceless…..there’s no excuse


  • I hope her son will recover from the poisoning and I’m so glad she was stopped before she did any further harm.


  • Thankfully she has been caught and stopped.


  • Pray the little one will be ok and have no lasting effects and he will be well looked after.


  • The boy could have died! That woman can’t be called a mum. :-(


  • Repeatedly??? How can you harm an innocent being. I hope that child is ok and in better hands


  • This is sad. I hope it was a well intentioned mistake rather than intent to harm.


  • Unbelievable ! How can a mum do this to her child ?


  • You do wonder why she would do this to her baby.


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