

Her decluttering attempt to Marie Kondo her house saw her son lose nearly $9000 in savings!

A US mum’s decluttering spree has gone horribly wrong after she donated $9000 of her sons savings by accident. Hidden inside a travel mug, Lindsay Preiss had no idea that when she donated the mug, she was being a little more generous than she intended…

A Big Mistake

When her son Devon discovered the mug was missing, Lindsay couldn’t understand why he was so upset until he told her what was inside. “I feel like the worst mum in the world,” said Lindsay. “I mean I feel terrible!”. Twenty seven year old Devon had recently sold a car and couldn’t believe that his mum had donated the mug during their moving house clear out. “At first I thought it was a joke or a prank or something like that,” he said. “She thought I was upset about the mug being gone, which, I miss the mug as well, but what was inside was a little more important.” We’re glad to see that Devon has his priorities straight…

Offering A Reward

Once Lindsay realised her mistake, the family headed to the thrift store in question only to find that the mug had been sold making one unsuspecting customer $9000 richer in the process. The family are now urging the person who bought the mug to come forward and are offering a reward – albeit less than the amount of cash – for their honesty. “We would be very thankful if you brought it back,” Lindsay said. “I’m just asking someone to please have it in your heart to do the right thing and give it back.”

We can only hope that whoever bought the mug is willing to return it – contents and all!

Have you ever made a donation that you regretted? Share your story in the comments!


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  • At 27years old why is she even touching any of his stuff?
    He is an adult and if he is living in your house and cant keep his room clean then you put up his board and tell him you will clean and anything he doesnt want thrown on needs to be put away in a cupboard.


  • Poor kid – so proud of him for saving too!


  • omg, that is heart breaking


  • The poor guy. Thats alot of money to lose. I hope an honest person returns it.


  • Oh no! I guess you shouldn’t donate other people’s personal belongings without permission, although accidents can happen or people forget where their secret stash is hidden.


  • People give away so much precious stuff thing of antique road shows


  • I’ve almost gave away a smaller note once but I checked all the pockets beforehand. I have no idea why she didn’t check the item before donating it.


  • I’ve regretted regular giving to a certain charity once I heard how little went to worthy causes and their inflated admin fees and wages


  • Yes, let’s hope the person who purchased the mug has a conscience and is honest in returning the money. I feel for the woman’s son. She should have checked inside the mug. I check everything before I donate it. You have to be so careful, especially after her son has put so much effort into saving that money. He has a right to be upset. I hope he gets the money back.


  • I’d love to know if the person came forward


  • Oh no. This would be a worrying situation for the child who’d saved it. As parents I’m sure their would have been some Mum guilt although no I’ll intent was meant, it was a pure accident.


  • OMG. I can’t believe you wouldn’t check inside it before donating.


  • So hope that the person is honest and brings the money back to the Thrift shop but sadly honesty seems to be a thing of the past these days.
    Best of Luck and really hope you do get the money back


  • Oh no! How bad would you feel!! Expensive mistake to make


  • Amazed it couldn’t be seen in a mug! I usually wash up things I am donating and would have seen it then. Would love to hear the outcome – i.e. if they got the mug and contents back!


  • Oh wow! That is just terrible. Hopefully they can get the cup back.


  • I don’t understand why she was decluttering her adult sons room? That is his job, not hers!


  • Why was she cleaning up after her 27 year old son anyway? You won’t make that mistake again will you lady.


  • He should have been left to declutter his own room. Otherwise everything she thought needed to go should have been put in a box or corner for him to check first. If no-one hands it back (and she’ll be very lucky if they did) then she needs to pay him back the money herself.


  • Wow! She made an honest mistake not knowing the money was in there.


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