

Single mum confronts Malcolm Turnbull begging him to “give the kids a chance, give them a fighting chance.”

A Single mum has demanded to know how the prime minister expects her to pay for her children’s schooling without the schoolkids bonus.

“I don’t care what you do to me, but give the kids a chance, give them a fighting chance,” she told Mr Turnbull.

Melinda was in the Melbourne suburb of Moorabbin when she saw the media pack waiting for the prime minister to appear, reports NINE NEWS.

“I’m ruining his chances to become something, to contribute to society, because he’s just going to get a bad job,” she told Mr Turnbull.

The prime minister insisted he was committed to education, telling her the coalition was putting more money into schools than any government.

“It’s a massive expenditure,” he said.

“I just need you to hear the mums at the coffee shop and at the school gate,” she said.

Mr Turnbull promised to have further discussions with her about education policy.

“I want your boys to have the chance to do whatever they want,” he told her.

“I can feel what’s in your heart.”

Melinda said “I don’t want to be rich and famous, I just want to have a fair go and I just want my kids to have options,” she told reporters.

Good on you mum! Well done.

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  • Mr Turnbull is a liar, a hypocrite and a turn coat. He talks of stability, yet he call the double disolution. He is back door sneaky trying to privatise medicare, but claims he is not. And it only makes sense that each successive govt puts more into education – there are more and more people with time!


  • Good on her for saying something….she had the chance and used it.


  • I think the school bonus is important but not everybody qualifies for it.


  • Taking away the school bonus hadn’t been a very good move indeed. It’s necessary. For everybody.


  • Governments are generally very out of touch with what people are going through.


  • He has no idea. Either party leaders do. They have had their free education, free uni, now they want to make sure everyone else has to pay. To contribute to our country you need an education why take that away?


  • Well done Melinda. That’s fantastic. Good for you for speaking up


  • I’m just angry at the amount of money that is going to be spent and wasted on this long campaign – money that could have been put towards schools and/or hospitals.

    • Exactly, the posters are already up on electric light poles.
      Look how many promises are borken following every election.
      Coffee shops are expensive. Why not arrange to meet at a home and take it in turns? Even if the host provides they coffee and they all take nibblies

      • I do like the opportunity to talk with candidates at shops as it is an opportunity to voice concerns.


  • Election campaigning has begun and voices can be heard far and wide on so many issues. Election promises can sometimes crumble!


  • Good on her for speaking up but it would’ve just landed on Malcolm’s deaf ears


  • Good on her for speaking up for the everyday mums.


  • A good point. Most people who get that money use it very wisely.


  • Good for her speaking out and telling it like it is!


  • Good on this Mum. I don’t want a Labour government either. Neither government is good.


  • Good on you mum, well said! Politicians aren’t interested in the little man tho, us every day people slogging our guts out…..not to get ahead, just to break even. He won’t give this conversation another thought I bet


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