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Mum of five faces deportation to England over criminal past.

Kelly Webb, 30, came to Australia in 1988 at the age of two. She has been raised in Geelong for most of her life, but was never naturalised.

After a childhood of “monstrous” domestic violence, she killed her stepfather.

Suffering post-traumatic stress, she turned to drugs and a life of crime, she faced a jail sentence of 18 months for a 2014 burglary she committed while armed with a steak knife.

Mum to Tyson, 9, twins Nakita and Chase, 6, Matthew, 5, and Shae-Lee, 1 – was told just days before her release that her visa had been revoked and she was sent to the Maribyrnong Detention Centre. She is desperately fighting to stay in Australia for her children.

“If they send me there (to England), I will die. I will die of a broken heart, because my kids will be here,’’ she told the Herald Sun.

“I was going to be with my kids and my mum, but three days before I got out I was told. I had never heard of the law. I cried for two days.

“All I want is one chance to stay in this country, because this is my home.

“I class myself as Australian. I know no different,’’ she said.

Her mother, Cheryl, 51, is devastated over the impending deportation.

“I can’t believe this has happened. She has done her time. My fear is they will end up deporting her. She has really pulled it together. She just wants to sort her life out.’’

If she is deported her children will remain in Australia — three of her children live with their paternal grandmother in Geelong.

Another son lives with his father in Perth, but is in regular contact with her online. Her youngest child is being cared for by Webb’s mother, Cheryl.

Do you think Kelly should be allowed to stay?

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  • It was my father she killed. I never even got the chance to meet him. But he never once hurt my older siblings. She got good behavior and a decent payout from victims of crime. She brutally murdered him in his sleep and she gets paid for it.


  • Very awkward situation – glad I don’t have to rule on it like the judge. Just can’t understand why she didn’t apply for Citizenship when she turned 18 and could legally do so.


  • It’s a difficult situation. I’m glad I’m not a judge as I don’t think I could rule on it!


  • A very hard situation, but actually not that unusual. I guess one way to look at it is – we wouldn’t accept someone with that record as a migrant, so why keep them when they’re not Australian?


  • It’s an interesting situation. It is strange that they would deport her given she has lived in Australia her whole life.


  • I noticed a comment saying ” If she had cared about Australia she would have become a citizen” ….
    There are various reasons why she my not have become a citizen.
    Firstly it costs money and involves at lot of forms and believe me its not easy when you have been living here for many years. You have to cover each year of your life here and give proof for each year of teachers, Doctors, Dentists, etc.
    Then on top of that if you have done what your average teenager does and once done with High School you have gone travelling then there is an issue as if you were out of the country for x number of days then you cant apply and must wait for a further 2 years without leaving the country in that time.
    And this is only the small list of issues that someone I know personally has had and their reason for not applying being delayed.


  • it is such a hard decision i am glad it is not me


  • Absolutely not. She isn\’t even raising her children. Only one is in touch with her regularly, and she is trying to use them to keep from being deported. If she cared about them or the country of Australia, she would have become a citizen.


  • This is really difficult.. I don’t know what to day


  • This is difficult. I understand how a childhood abuse can derail a person. But is it that after her 2014 arrest she genuinely wants to change, or is it the threat of deportation?
    Worst case scenario. She returns to England and her children join her there. Or she applies thtough proper channels.

    • The fact she has a criminal record I very much doubt she will ever win her appeal and would not be allow to re-enter the country at any time. She can’t raise her children herself while she is in gaol. We don’t know why the children were separated so we shouldn’t judge that part of it. It would have been too hard for the Dad to care for all of them and work full time to support them, especially the baby. If Shae-Lee lives with one person full time, there is stability. Cheryl may simply not have the energy to care for all of them.
      One son may have asked to live with his Dad.


  • I do think she should be given another chance to get her life sorted.


  • She sure is messed up. You would think at age 30 and a mother to 5, she would have pulled herself together already. Apparently not. It’s a bit harsh to send her back to England tho


  • It’s all upto the legal system and perhaps because of her children they may let her stay.


  • I think she should get a second chance for the sake of her toung children and she needs proper and strict help to get better.


  • That’s difficult. Sending her back to England means that she won’t have any chance anymore to see her kids. Of course that’s devastating. 🙁


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