

Parents left horrified when a birthmark on their baby daughter’s head exploded.

Warning: Graphic

Emily Whittaker was reassured by doctors that the two birthmarks her baby girl was born with were harmless.

But by the time Isla was nine weeks old, the marks had tripled in size and the one on Isla’s head became infected and exploded, leaving a gaping wound underneath. They rushed her to hospital.

Baby Isla passed out with the pain and was treated with morphine, reports The Sun.

Emily, 26, from Manchester, said: “It’s been a nightmare. I was assured over and over that the birthmarks were harmless … and that we shouldn’t worry.

“But the one on her head erupted and we were petrified.

One day Isla began screaming hysterically — and Emily realised in horror that the birthmark had exploded and ulcerated — leaving a large circular wound in her baby’s head.

She said: “I had never seen anything like it. We rushed her to the emergency ward.

“Isla was screaming until she passed out with the pain. She was on morphine, but the doctors found the wound was infected.

“She had to have three different lots of antibiotics in five weeks but she was still in so much pain.”

She will need ongoing treatment into the future and possibly plastic surgery.

Emily said: “It has been a whirlwind. I would never have believed that this could happen from a tiny little birthmark.

“My priority now is to get her well again, so she can start enjoying life.

“The doctors and surgeons have been fantastic, but if this had been picked up sooner, it might never have happened.”

We hope little Isla makes a speedy recovery x

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  • Oh my Lord….that poor little Darling. I hope this ended well and she is fighting fit now.


  • What a terrible thing to happen – looks so sore and horrible for the poor bub. Hope he is all right now.


  • Poor little one – that looks so sore and painful. I had no idea that birthmarks could erupt.

    • Hope the recovery is quick and pain free.


  • What a scary experience. I guess similar to a ‘strawberry’. I hope all recovers well


  • I never knew that could happen with a birthmark. Wishing her a speedy recovery. The poor love.


  • Poor little poppet, I have heard of these things but that is just so horrific. And she keeps on smiling with that angelic face. Bless her


  • I have never heard of anything like this. How horrific.


  • It’s very unusual and can’t imagine something like this… Poor thing.. Get well soon honey…


  • Wow, that looks so nasty – I never even knew that this could happen!


  • Oh my, I have never heard of such a thing before. The images were very hard for me to look at. That poor little baby. Her mum did ask all the questions and do the right things, it’s just noone listened to her in the way they should have. I hope the recovery is quick and that Isla does not remember this.


  • Poor bubba!!


  • Oh sweetie! Quite a huge birthmark. I didn’t know they could explode. But let’s hope sh’es now on her way to a full recovery.


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