

A mother has shared a shocking image warning parents about a common playground mistake that saw her one-year-old daughter suffer a broken leg.

“This picture is the moment her leg was breaking. She’s still smiling… because it was happening at this exact moment,” Heather Clare wrote in a Facebook warning to all parents.


The mum was unaware of the risk she had taken until speaking to doctors later.

“When we went to the ER, the super empathetic doctor lectured me on how common this injury is,” she said.

“I had no idea. I thought everyone took their kids down the slide.

She is not only pleading with parents, but local councils around the world, to provide warnings about the dangers of sliding with young children.

“I strongly feel every playground should have a warning sign, but since I’ve never seen one (and we go to a lot of playgrounds),” she wrote.

“Don’t ever go down a slide with a baby on your lap. There is no SAFE way to go down a slide with your little one.

Heather’s post has attracted over 71,000 shares.


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  • Oh my….how awful when you are out for a bit of fun and think you are doing the right thing. Poor little darling.


  • I’m so sorry for the trauma that your daughter went through. It must have been very traumatic for you as well. Please don’t go blaming yourself. No, I’ve never seen a sign at any park either. I was lucky as I did this with my sons and we made it safely to the bottom. Thank you for sharing


  • It’s good of them to to warn others.


  • Always always cup their tiny feet in your legs and cup arms in front of you.


  • easy way to fix this is place the child between your legs so that they are sitting on the slide as well. I never had this problem with my children but it is an eye opener & people need to know about it


  • Wow, who would think this could happen, sounds like a freak accident and then you hear it’s not uncommon! I used to do this all the time with my four kids when they were small!


  • wow that’s something you wouldn’t think of happening. Hope the little girl heals well and Mum’s emotional upset heals as well. Sorry for you all.


  • I had no idea this practice was so dangerous. Fortunately my backside was too big to go down any slides :)


  • My son went down the slide himself when he was ready. He hated them whwn he was little so we never really went.


  • Wow, that’s so scary! I used to do this with my little ones but they’re now big enough to not need me!


  • I never went down the slide with my child, there’s no fun in that. My son went down the slide when he was ready and able to go on his own. Good warning though.


  • This is not something I would have thought about! Even making sure they’re all tucked in before you slide doesn’t mean something won’t pop out on the way down, I guess. Definitely one to share.


  • It can happen so quickly in such an innocent act! I make sure my sons hands and feet/legs are tucked well in when I take him down a slide.


  • THANK you sooo much for the warning and sharing and making folks more aware of the dangers.


  • This image made my blood run cold! She’s holding the kid in such an awkward position, no wonder the poor kid broke her leg.


  • Wow I never really though about it, I have always taken my child down the slide


  • Oh ouch! The poor thing but it’s something you don’t think about when you take your kids to play at the park.


  • Poor kid, must have been terrible and I bet Mum felt super guilty!


  • Yep, I’ve heard this warning before. Worth repeating, though.


  • Would never have considered this, thanks for sharing


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