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Mum of two, Jordan Kennedy, has taken to Facebook to give a honest opinion about delivering a baby after watching the popular series One Born Every Minute.

“It’s some buzz when the baby’s out but seriously being in labour has to be one of the most ugly things ever,” she writes in her post which has over 22,000 likes and has been shared 11,000 times.

“You start off with your clean pj’s and matching slippers. All smiles even a bit of lip gloss to keep you in good spirit. Then as the contractions start getting heavy the slippers are chucked across the room. Your hairs scraped back like dog the bounty hunter.”

Next “out pops a giant head and your arse feels like it’s been set alight” she writes, before “some dodgy wee midwife that’s no slept in 35 hour tries to set about your vagina with a needle and thread”.

“It’s a pure magical moment for a woman,” she concludes.

OUCH the flashbacks! Thanks for that, Jordan.

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  • when the placenta part happens, i feel like i am fake pushing! like “yeah i’m pushing” but i can barely feel it compared to the baby that i just pushed out. the placenta part is like nothing


  • This rings the truth on every level


  • Some times the removal of the placenta is worse than the child birth – at least the child wriggles.


  • I always liked the variety of births that show featured.


  • Not only is child birth different for every woman, every child birth is different again.
    One thing I did experience is that I was super excited and filled with joy before and after the delivery.


  • forgot to mention, ive watched that show many times, when the lady is contracting and has to push, dont you feel like your doing it too along with the lady?? Perfect muscle workout infront of the tv!


  • lol, i didnt have a matching pyjamas but it didnt work as i ended up wearing the hospital gown. Too much crying over contractions, getting prep for the cesear. Got the baby out, throwing up, more crying.
    Some people will manage it, some people wont. As long you get a healthy baby. Whoot!


  • Child birth is different for every woman. For some it is fairly quick and easy and for others it is not. I think articles like this scare women unnecessarily.


  • To those poor mumma’s that are reading this and have not delivered their first bub yet …seriously child birth is a special time and gift and one to be cherished.


  • I’d like to see an episode with 2 midwives standing there with scissors discussing who’s going to do your episiotomy!


  • I like One Born Every Minute and it does tend to show all types of labours and births. It is so individual and different for everyone. Your experience is always going to be unique, no matter how much information you get or how many shows you watch on birth.


  • You are right they never mention it on shows at all. That can take plenty of discomfort and effort too.


  • She forgot to add giving birth to the placenta. They NEVER mention that on any of those shows.


  • Haha, Jordan pretty much summed it up. BUT it is special and magical and I would NEVER change a thing.


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