

A children’s TV show airing on Netflix has come under fire as it appears to feature a very rude drawing in the background.

Chey Robinson shared a clip from the first series of the Netflix show Maya the Bee, which saw Maya fly into a log to hide, after spotting something amiss on the bark.

Chey was horrified to discover that the log featured what looked like a drawing of a penis, which she says ‘disgusted’ her.

The clip has since been viewed over a million times on Facebook, with fellow parents sharing in Chey’s shock at the inappropriate clip.

She said the scene she filmed was from the 35th episode of the first season of Maya The Bee, which is available on Netflix in the US, and has now been turned in a feature length film.

Chey said: ‘I wanted to do this video, I’m actually pretty disgusted at the moment. There was a post I saw on Facebook about an episode of Maya the Bee. Those of you who have kids that watch it I just really encourage you guys to be mindful and be careful of what your kids are watching

‘On the post on Facebook it was about something inappropriate on the show on a log so I have it paused so you can see what I’m talking about. It’s Maya the Bee season one episode 35. I’ve paused it just so you guys can see that i’m not lying or editing anything whatsoever, this is right on Netflix.’

Chey shared the video with the caption: ‘Disgusted!!! Please be mindful of what your kids are watching!!’

She filmed the relevant scene, and zoomed in to show what looks like a drawing of a penis.

She continued: ‘I know I’m not going crazy and I know that something like this shouldn’t be in a kids’ show whatsoever. I’m extremely disgusted by it, there should be no reason my kids have to see something like this.’

‘I don’t know if they’re gonna do something about this or what but there’s no reasons why this should be in this show. So I’m just giving you guys a heads up just be careful what your kids are watching seriously be mindful and hope that helps.’

penis pic maya

Her post (which has since been removed) has been shared over 12,000 times

What do you see in the image?

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Via Facebook

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  • It doesn’t look like a penis at all, to me. It actually looks more like a long necked animal of some sort to my eye!


  • I doubt that any child would really have noticed that but good on the mum for her attention to detail! I likely would’ve missed it too


  • Honestly, I am way too busy to worry about a rude drawing in a log..haha


  • I wouldn’t have noticed it and I think it would be more of a worry if a child the age this show is aimed at actually recognised what it was


  • kids wouldn’t notice it but anyway….. i think that it only just resembles it slightly and probably not intentional. No big deal….you could also say that it looks like a basketball court’s lines so it depends on your own mind.


  • Super disappointing


  • I wouldn’t have noticed it.


  • I wouldn’t have spotted it if it wasn’t for this article – but kids can see a lot more detail than us adults sometimes – extremely inappropriate!


  • I can’t see the image, but if it’s truly there I think it’s not appropriate. When it’s so hard to see for adults, it’s the question if kids notice it though.


  • I was able to see the image once it was pointed out – someone clearly being very naughty! No doubt now in a lot of trouble.


  • I really don’t think I would’ve noticed it unless I read this article but I do feel that it’s very inappropriate to have something like this in a children’s cartoon. I certainly wouldn’t like my kids to notice something like this


  • I also wouldn’t have noticed without the article, I even had to switch to the computer to see what was there


  • I would not have realised unless l read this article.


  • I wouldn’t have noticed it, but yes, it’s clearly there.


  • Actually found the image above to be not that clear …A better view is on FACT CHECK: Did a Scene from ‘Maya the Bee’ Feature a Phallic …
    Claim: A crude sketch of a phallus could be seen on the inside of a log during an episode of Maya the Bee.
    AND the verdict from me, yes it’s a penis and very inappropriate.


  • Lmao. Its very clearly a cock and balls. Gotta lighten up though. I doubt many kids would pick up on it. And it could be so much worse. Case of pick your battles I think and this one isn’t worth the effort


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