

A group of NSW mums have cre­ated a group to help parents find party guests.

Co-founder of the Facebook group Kids Party Rescue, Tahlee Masri said hundreds of worried parents have used her page.

“We saw a story online where a mum was upset because no one had turned up to her child’s birthday party and we thought, ‘You know what? There should be a Facebook page where you can invite other children to your kids’ party,’ ” Ms Masri said.

“(Often a) child might be on the spectrum and it is hard for them to make friends in the classroom. Sometimes there’s no family around or the mum is too busy and they don’t have time to make friends. I have a big family and we have big parties with 100-plus people, so it doesn’t bother me to invite someone who doesn’t get invited to parties into my home.”


party rescue

The group Description reads:

“This group was created for the party Mums who feel like they need rescuing with extra attendees, after all the hard work of planning, organising and preparing a party for their child and have had no luck with the RSVPs…

“Please provide only SOME details of your party in the post i.e. Suburb Location/Date ONLY and Mums with their child/children interested in further details or information about your party can contact you directly and it is up to the party Mum whether she approves you to come to her party or not. This is just a way to protect the Mum and her party…

Please note that admins will have the right to delete any posts they deem inappropriate.

This group is really about making the child’s memories of their party AWESOME!”

What a great concept. Well done mums!

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  • but maybe the kids wouldn’t even play with each other because they are new faces ..a ll of them.


  • I think it’s a little strange good if you knew them still otherwise they are total strangers


  • No! I wouldn’t be comfortable inviting people along that I didn’t know. Parties should be celebrated with family and friends, not a group of strangers off of Facebook. Why don’t people spend more time focusing on their child instead. Take them to the movies or a play centre, picnic at the beach or a park. Lots of other alternatives that don’t have the expense of a birthday party


  • As a child I rarely went to kid’s birthday parties. They weren’t as popular then and my parents simply didn’t have the financial resources to feed extras. It was hard enough keeping a roof over our heads and good food on the table for us. There was constant uncontrollable illness in our family due to war injuries and previously unknown genetic problems. Sick leave was used up every year.


  • A great idea for those interested, it is heartbreaking thing to have your child not invited to any parties or have no one want to come to theirs. The stranger thing is concerning though, and who knows if predator’s would find easy targets.


  • I would want strangers turning up my home lord only knows how this can go badly wrong


  • Have some issues with this idea but can see what the benefits would be. Hopefully it’s executed safely.


  • I would be highly wary of inviting strangers and their children to be around my children. Sex predator’s would be well onto this website sadly.


  • I love the idea.
    I’ve invited kids myself for parties and play dates, because they were never invited.


  • If done properly, this could be fantastic


  • From experiences in recent history with friends children then yes! This is amazing concept. Sad also. Because it’s often the bitchy parents then anything really to do with the child. Abit of understanding, compassion and what’s if that was YOUR child missing out???
    Then there would be no empty parties. Sadly it’s true.
    So in today’s times then it’s great and relevant.


  • I wouldn’t personally use this service but I’m sure it will be great for other families that are into having large celebrations for birthdays.


  • I probably wouldn’t use it but way better than having no one come to the party for the Birthday child.


  • I don’t know. I’m personally not a fan of big parties. Celebrating alone as a family can be a lot of fun. I wouldn’t invite strangers just to reach a “number”. So, no, I wouldn’t use such a service.


  • aww that’s a great idea. i wouldnt like to see the birthday kid upset … great idea


  • I’d totally use it. Its a great idea!


  • It’s lovely that the kids can have people at their party but how sad that people around them don’t come :(


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