

Police were called to break up a fight between two mothers outside a western Sydney school.

The feud started during school pick-up time at Maronite College of the Holy Family School in Harris Park on Monday afternoon, as dozens of young children watched on.

Mobile phone footage obtained by 9NEWS shows school staff, other parents and even a nun trying to intervene as the women continue to yell at one another.

9NEWS understands the argument was over a car parking space. (watch the video here)

The school’s principal, Sr Margaret Ghosn, released a statement on the school’s Facebook page expressing her disappointment.

“The behaviour of a number of parents was extremely inappropriate and they will be addressed accordingly,” Sr Ghosn wrote.

“I apologise for any young children who had to witness such rude and violent behaviour from adults.”


The school’s principal, Sr Margaret Ghosn, released a second statement on the school’s Facebook page this morning stating,

“I will make it very clear that at MCHF we will not tolerate such behaviour from parents.

We pride ourselves on being a family at MCHF. I hope this incident serves as a lifelong reminder to all our parents that disrespectful behaviour is unacceptable.

I trust that from now on our parents will show respect, both on school grounds, towards staff and students, as well as out on the street in regards to picking up and dropping off students.”

maronite 2

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  • Great example to set for the kids…..wtg Mums :(


  • How ridiculous! As a mother who does a school pick up herself, I can understand frustration over not being able to get a car space, especially as I am doing a quick pick up in my ‘lunch’ break and need to get back to work, but I would never stoop so low, no matter how annoying the other parent was being.


  • What an embarrassing situation for the parents involved. What a waste of time that the school has had to spend addressing this. And what a great teaching moment to the children, NOT! Parents behaving like…. not even children! Just apalling behaviour, however there seems to be an increase in this type of ridiculous behaviour that spills down into the families and children.


  • Do parents realise they are role models?


  • Saw this video on the news. I was appalled at the mothers behavior – what a terrible example to show to their children. If they do this in public what are they doing in their home?

    • I have not viewed or seen this footage – do not want to watch this type of behaviour – sounds dreadful!


  • Wow, great example mums !!


  • Disgusting to arrive to such a confrontation in front of kids!!


  • appalling behaviour from the mothers! What kind of example are they setting for their children.


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