

Grieving mum shares tribute to her baby boy after he tragically died while asleep in his cot.

First-time parents, Katie and Sam Jones, discovered their precious five month old baby boy, Johnny, had passed away last Sunday, when Katie returned home from a night shift to find him lifeless in his crib, reports yahoo 7.

The devastated mum has spoken out revealing his tragic death had left her “numb”.

“It’s hard to describe it but you feel completely numb then you get a wave of emotion where you’re either hysterically crying or remembering something happy that he did,” Katie, 27, said.

“You look at your son and it sounds bizarre but you realise that his soul has gone.”

While the cause of his shock death is still unknown, Katie said doctors believe it was sudden infant death syndrome.

Hoping to help save other children

The young couple are now trying their best to deal with their sudden loss, spending time with doctors and bereavement counsellors.

“We’re both grieving the loss in different ways,” Kate said. “We both love our son so much. He was just perfect. He really was.”

They are hoping that by sharing Johnny’s story it will help raise awareness about SIDs and help them heal their broken hearts too.

“It’s just something you never expect to happen to you,” she said.

“Even though it was too late for us to save him there’s a chance this could save another child’s life.”

Six ways to sleep baby safely and reduce the risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy:

1. Sleep baby on the back from birth, not on the tummy or side.
2. Sleep baby with head and face uncovered.
3. Keep baby smoke free before birth and after.
4. Provide a safe sleeping environment night and day.
5. Sleep baby in their own safe sleeping place in the same room as an adult care-giver for the first six to twelve months.
6. Breastfeed baby if you can.

Our hearts ache for Katie and Sam. RIP little one x

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  • That’s so sad, that’s just so sad


  • Such easy steps to follow. It would be soul destroying to find you baby dead in its cot. I would do anything to prevent that


  • A tragic loss of life. If hope Katie and Sam receive all the support they need – for as long as they need it. People tend to rally around for a short time then leave the mourning to their own devices. That is sometimes when support is needed most – often for as long as 12 months. lets not forget the grandparents too


  • So so sad. My heart goes out to the parents when they come to terms with this loss.


  • Very sad. Rip little man xx


  • So sad!! My heart breaks for this poor family.


  • This is always sad – very important reminders to share.


  • Really heartbreaking. Poor people. Losing your child like this. :-(


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