

When will they ever learn not to mess with us? *insert evil laugh*

Mums hilarious response after her daughter asked her not to be visible near her school.

Sally Stevens had arranged to pick up her 13-year-old at break time for a doctor’s appointment last week, shares The Mirror.

She was under strict instruction from her teenage daughter not to be spotted because she is “so embarrassing”.

The Mother-of-two said: “To be honest, I think this day she pushed all the wrong buttons and called me embarrassing one too many times.

“My wicked side just came out and I decided to wear a paper bag on my head so no-one at her school would see me. Besides, if everyone was looking at my amazing new brows, they might not notice my bright orange Jeep.

“As she stomped past me in the school reception, I followed her, donning the bag on the way out assuming my incognito look.

“It was not until she looked back at her friends shouting to her, did she realise.

“Let’s just say she wasn’t 100% impressed at the time.”

“Parenting an adolescent is not easy. At least I don’t think so. There’s no text book in the world that prepares you for it when it hits – or gives you the right and wrong answers.

“I am just trying to get through it as best as I can without losing my sense of humour and hope my kids turn out okay on the other side.”

Classic move!  Good on you mum.

What is the most embarrassing thing you have done to your child? (or them to you!)

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  • She called Mum embarrassing now she knows what embarrassing is.


  • Haha! I love this! Fortunately, my mum never embarrassed me or vice versa!


  • At least the mum didn’t take it too personal (I hope) and shows her humoristic side.


  • I’m impressed. Wouldn’t think of making myself invisible like that. Now the child might think again before messing with mum.


  • The teen years – so much joy! ;)

    • Not something I would do – but something they will surely remember!


  • Oh my gosh! This is too cool! Your daughter will look back on this in 10 years time and crack up laughing so don’t worry about it.


  • That is hilarious, good on her!


  • Well the daughter did tell her not to be spotted ….so this is as good as it gets. lol.
    Well done mum.


  • Haha love her sense of humor


  • I remember when my daughter told me about a conversation she had with one of her friends. They were comparing embarrassing mums, I was fat and pimply, the friends mum was short and fat. It still hurts today when I thi k about it


  • Good on her. Show her kid to be happy with what she’s got cos it could be so much worse.


  • The mum is hilarious I love her sense of humour


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