

I would NEVER admit this to my husband- because once you’ve known someone for as long as we’ve known one another, you just don’t fess up to the deep and meaningful stuff anymore…

But I enjoy talking to him on his drive home from work!

The drive takes FOREVER, because he works so far away.

But I love every second of it!

It’s the one time of the day where I can talk to him without any distractions.

Without a kid popping up out of nowhere between us to try and discuss the latest thing that’s happened in their life- even though the event they want to discuss is one which happened right before our very eyes… diverting our attention and causing us to completely forget what we were trying to say to one another.

Reviewing The Day!

It’s a recap of the day!

The amazing sales I’ve found online, strange things I’ve read and of course all the typical topics that parents discuss… how cute the kids are, what new things they’ve said and done… and school… oh boy all the school drama!

It’s fabulous!

The children vent to me, and I in turn vent to my husband.

It’s almost like a debrief!

I Feel Lost Without It!

And now that my husband is working from home, I feel lost without it- not that I will ever confess to the fact and thank goodness he doesn’t actually read anything that I’ve written!

I only realised how much I valued the debriefing when it wasn’t there for a couple of days.

It’s not all doom and gloom, however. I mean I’ve been extremely productive in the time it would take us to talk on the phone… in fact, this article wouldn’t have even been written without the extra time!

There definitely are some worthwhile pros, but I’m still undecided on whether they outweigh the cons when it comes to missing out on our daily debrief.

It Is ‘Our’ Or Just ‘My’?

Is it even ‘our’ daily debrief? Or could it just be mine?

After all, my husband is the strong silent type and often I end up answering my own questions whilst talking to him because he doesn’t really say much.

Realistically sometimes it feels like I could even just be talking to myself! Saying my ideas out loud or even just recalling the day’s events in order simply just to put things in a better perspective.

Free Entertainment

Maybe, just maybe I have almost been providing this man with a free entertaining radio service for the duration of his journey home… without the singing of course… He is always quick to respond when I sing and request that I don’t… because he claims it distracts him from driving and he could have an accident… I never realised how moving my singing must be.

I wonder if he misses our conversations as much as I do…

I Am So Grateful

Either way, I am grateful for being forced to see how much I enjoy his time… even after all these decades.

He’s a brilliant listener, a true pillar of strength and the most incredible father I could ever hoped to have had for our little ones.

I definitely feel extremely blessed to have all I do in my life, and maybe, just maybe, one day, I will let my hubby know how very much I admire the beauty of his nature.

… but not just yet… I don’t want to let on that I like him too much!

How are you coping with your partner working from home? Tell us in the comments below.

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  • I love it when my husband works from home. The kids are at school and so we can do a lunch time walk all by ourselves which is total bliss


  • You will get used to him at home. Enjoy it even.

    • Everyone is getting used to different home and work setups. It takes time to get used to it.


  • My husband is not working from home, so it is different for us.


  • I’m working from home but my husband isn’t and I am so grateful that he is. I don’t like that days he is home and I’m working as although he doesn’t mean to distract me, the constant TV noise is so annoying!


  • No working from home here


  • It would be very hard, couples are suddenly forced to spend a lot of time together. I believe that relationships need a little bit of space apart every now and then.


  • mine cant work from home so no real change


  • We are self employed and hes been very busy


  • My hubby’s hours have been reduced and I’m honestly finding the house is messier


  • It is good to feel and show gratitude and appreciation to our loved ones.


  • I am loving having my partner how. Although it is like he’s not here when he is working as he is a teacher, he had his breaks for recess and lunch and we can spend time as a family!


  • its sometimes a help


  • Unfortunately I don’t have that privilege as my husband passed away 18 months ago from cancer.


  • We are very fortunate that my hubby is still working. I do love having him home – he is a great handy man and gets things done around the house for which I am truly grateful.


  • Honestly it bit hard for me to manage my kids with him.


  • i enjoy having my husband at home, to be honest, ive never seen him do so much around the house that needs doing. its a stress off my shoulder. we have been out of a job for 3 weeks now, no pay, its our business we have on a golf course. since the golf course may be out for another 4 weeks we will do what we can do. when I do need to talk to my husband without any destructions, I will email my husband. my husband is very quiet, a man with few words. I have picked up that he will say more if its written. I have to question him, keep throwing the lines to reel in the answers. if I really want my husband’s attention I will just have to email him. I have talked to him over our feelings and what I miss to see if he miss it too face to face. he doesn’t say much. communication is very important. if your man as quiet as a mouse, perhaps writing a note or emailing him. my husband has recently told me that he likes it when I praise him, acknowledged him. been with him for 14yrs and im always learning about him. the only way I feel like he needs to go back to work is when hes really grumpy lol. right now I just appreciate having him at home longer. he works 6 days a week with 1 day off on kid’s school day so my kids do complain about not seeing him often only at night. my daughter said that she has had enough of him and wants him back at work. that’s only because my husband wants to relax some days and on those days my daughter wants to kick the footy or move.
    why don’t you leave little love notes around the house for your husband to see?


  • I am loving having my husband home more. We are all so much more relaxed and he and I are spending more quality time together :)


  • See I’d probably enjoy having him work from home more as it’s company when it’s just you and the kids.


  • It’s good you’re realising how important that is to you. You’ll appreciate it even more when things go back to normal.


  • Hubby is an essential worker and cannot work from home.


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