
July 11, 2019


One of the most popular MoM Answer questions we receive is “What should I pack in my hospital bag?”

We’ve asked our wonderful resident Midwife Kath for her advice of what expectant Mums should bring with them to hospital in their maternity bag. 

Top items to bring to hospital in your maternity bag

  • Comfortable clothing to wear during labour. Loose old T Shirts are the best. These can be thrown out if they become covered in body fluids
  • Toiletries
  • Snacks for your partner eg muesli bars, poppers, crackers. It is important for them to stay nourished as they need to assist you.
  • Swimwear for your  partner while you are in the shower
  • Glucose lollies or jellybeans
  • Ice blocks – the long ones in plastic packet such as Zooper Doopers. Freeze them & take with you.
  • Comfortable Day Clothes & clothes to wear home
  • Appropriate underwear – high waisted and big enough to put sanitary pads in place. Male undies are especially comfortable post-baby.
  • Nursing Bra x 2
  • Breast Pads
  • Slippers/Shoes/Socks
  • 2 packs of Maternity Sanitary Pads
  • Mobile Phone Charger
  • Any necessary medications
  • Clothes to take baby home & baby blanket
  • Massage oil/cream
  • Music
  • Formula if you are going to bottle feed – best to check with your hospital

Is there any additional items you’d add to the list? SHARE WITH US in the comments below.


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Kath_BlueShirtA mother of two with a Bachelor of Nursing and certificates in both nursing and midwifery, Kath has been a Registered Nurse and Midwife for over 30 years in both public and private hospitals throughout NSW and Queensland. Experienced in antenatal classes, antenatal assessment, labour ward and postnatal care for families, Kath most recently spent 13 years at the Wesley Hospital in Brisbane as a nurse and clinical nurse. Kath describes her job as the most rewarding in the world as she meets and cares for precious and unique little humans. She feels privileged to be with families as they welcome new life and to assist them with caring for their new baby.

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  • Lip balm and socks were most important to me. My lips became dry and my feet got cold


  • I wouldn’t have thought about some of these, thank you for sharing.


  • This is a great checklist to work from.


  • Great list for first time Mums so they have less to be concerned about


  • Always good to have a good practical list handy, this is a good one !


  • Great list and very practical.


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