

Children who spend hours playing video games could be at risk of developing a potentially deadly medical condition called deep vein thrombosis, experts warn.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that forms in the veins of one’s legs – and the risks of getting DVT are higher if you sit still or lie down for extended periods of time without moving, shares Daily Mail.

While DVT is more common among the elderly, new research from the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand shows that it can also be triggered in young children who live sedentary lifestyles.

This is why children who play video games – whether they’re sitting or lying down – for up to three hours or more could potentially develop deep vein thrombosis.

In one case, a boy as young as 12 suffered from DVT after he played video games for four hours straight in a kneeling position, The Telegraph reported.

The DVT and resulting pulmonary embolism (PE) were generally in their legs and followed three hours of non-stop playing without moving, although one player it in his arms after playing lying on his back for three hours.

It was also associated with dehydration as they were so absorbed they ignored their body’s “thirst reflex” to drink, said the researchers at Royal Perth Hospital.

Professor Richard Beasley, director of New Zealand’s Medical Research Institute and world expert in DVT and PE, said: “It really illustrates the strength of the risk that it can affect a person aged 12 who you would never expect to develop a blood clot.”

Doctor’s urged the gaming firms to introduce alerts into their games and labels telling players to take breaks at least every 90 minutes.

How to avoid deep vein thrombosis

– Drink plenty of fluids.

– Wear loose, comfortable clothing.

– Mobilise and massage legs, ankles and feet.

– Avoid sitting in one position for too long.

– Take regular breaks, get up and move around.

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  • It has been reported that children are likely to develop neck muscle problems (some also shoulders) from having their heads down for long lengths of time. Adults can too. Some employers “frown” on their staff getting up and moving around.


  • Please gafl all of you


  • I think there are lots of jobs where people sit all day who’re at risk of this condition (office / desk jobs). Same for people who stand all day (like hair dressers). Moving and exercise is just so important !


  • I had dvt at one of the most active times in my life, stop scare mongering

    • Aw bless, are you totally recovered from it now nealsq ?


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