

Nowadays, the environment is becoming a major concern to people who travel. More than ever before, people are attempting to take vacations that leave a minimal carbon footprint on this beautiful planet.

There are many ways a family can go about being eco friendly when planning their vacation. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular methods:

1. Hotels and other accommodations

When it comes to where you and your family will be staying on your vacation, do your research.

You should try to find hotels that utilise various techniques of green living.

These are much easier to find now than they were five years ago. Before making a booking at any hotel, find out if they have recycling programs, use cleaning products that are non toxic, utilise renewable energy and offer bedding that is non toxic to their guests.

There are many hotels that will only use products that are recyclable and serve meals that are organic. In many cases, you may not need to call the hotel because their website will indicate this information.

However, if a hotel’s website does not clearly indicate the eco friendly practices they use, you will need to call them just to be on the safe side.

2. Transportation

Your next area of concern will need to be how you plan on getting to your destination and how you plan to get around once you arrive.

Obviously, air travel contributes to more carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere than any other method of transportation.

However, there are many destinations where travelling by air is necessary to get there. If you will be going to one of these destinations where air travel is a necessity, always choose a direct flight if one is available.

There are things you can do to be more eco friendly with your transportation after you get to your destination.

One of the best ways is to use a bicycle to get around instead of a taxi, subway or train.

Bikes are great for seeing the beauty of the place you are visiting because you are not racing by them in a vehicle. If you are going to all the trouble to go on a vacation, you should take the time to actually see your destination.

Walking is another great way to get around. In situations where you need to go a long distance and walking or biking will not be good enough, you should always opt for public transportation.

3. Consider your environmental impact while on vacation

There are many things you can do to help the environment at your destination.

For example, try not to use any items or containers that are disposable.

Only have your meals at places that offer customers the choice of using your own container or other eco-friendly options.

You can also carry a bottle of water with you that you can refill with water periodically as you need it, rather than constantly buying more bottled water.

However, there are places in the world where the quality of water is not good. In these places, it is advisable to buy bottled water.

4. Leave your gadgets at home

Other than your cell phone, there is no need to bring all of your electronics with you.

Music players, laptops and tablets will only distract you from enjoying the place you are visiting.

Also, leaving them at home will help the environment because you will not need to constantly charge them.

Have you ever had an eco friendly holiday with your family? Please feel free to share your experiences in the comments below.

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  • I especially love tip number 4. Great chance to reconnect with each other.


  • We really enjoy camping, but havn’t done it with our little one yet. We are waiting for it to warm up a bit.


  • camping is the best holiday to be eco friendly. fun for the family too.


  • looks great


  • I love almost 100% eco friendly holidays, like camping! :) Using only a tent, sleeping bags, camping chairs, a small BBQ, portable solar shower bags, and a portable toilet (need it for night time instead of wandering off into the bush)… We do take our mobile with us, for emergency calls, which has never been used as yet while camping!


  • 1 thing I make sure I have with me is my mobile phone in case of an emergency. I make sure it is fully charged before we leave. We also have a first aid kit, plenty of water and basic nourishing food. In an emergency , we at least have a chance. If you are going to do long distance walking or cycling you need to train well in advance. In the article it mentions re-filling water bottles, in some aeas it is not safe to drink the water, not even tap water. eg. in places such as Tennant Creek and Katherine the water often breeds algi because the climate and mosquitoes breed in it as well. The water can make you critically ill. All water apart from bought water in bottles must be boiled. It isn’t even safe to rinse your dentures under a tap and put them straight back in your mouth. We went on a coach tour in NT. A few people did drink the water the first day and spent 2 days in bed, unable to retain food or fluids the first day.


  • Some nice ideas for a real holiday.


  • I hadn’t thought about this before. Great tips.


  • planning for it,, will make it this month


  • Can’t say we’ve had a totally Eco holiday.


  • Thanks again for sharing; looking into some eco friendly options.


  • Thanks for sharing this interesting article; something to ponder.


  • It kind of depends where you’re going & what age your children are.
    If I was going on holiday in a city when my child was a baby, there’s no way I would hire a bike to sightsee.
    I reckon getting on a train isn’t so bad for your carbon footprint when you consider how many passengers are also traveling.
    And as for accommodation, I’ll be taking something economical for budget reasons, if they recycle, great, but I’m not going to question them on their practices.


  • Totally agree with number 4. No point going on holiday and being on your gadgets just like at home!


  • Definitely preferable to holiday in this way than an expensive, five star trip with so many bells and whistles. I like the idea of kids learning through holidays.


  • great idea thank you we will give this a go


  • What a great idea – thanks


  • Such a good article.
    My family love walking around places that we visit just so we can see it up close and personal.
    You see so much more when walking than by car.


  • great ideas to help the environment, to help children understand about the environment and to learn as a family


  • We love camping no electronics an just spending time with the kids xx


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