

A young child playing with matches caused almost $3000 worth of damage at a Woolworths supermarket.

A young boy lit a fire in the barbecue aisle resulting in thousands of dollars of damage with items such as napkins, plastic plates, grill brushes and matches set alight, reports Daily Telegraph.

The boy, aged between five and seven, ignited the fire in aisle eight.

Police said the fire was contained to one metre of shelving, but reached a peak height of just below the supermarket’s lights.

A Woolworths Narellan cashier grabbed a fire hose and put out the blaze, while customers were evacuated from the store.

Camden Police Area Command crime manager Detective Inspector Jayne Doherty said both police and Fire and Rescue NSW attended the incident.

“Police attended and attained a 10-page list of stock that was lost as a result of the fire,” Inspector Doherty said.

“The total cost of lost product was just short of $3000.

“Police are chasing up CCTV vision to try and identify the child and the parent responsible for the child. We remind parents they are responsible for their children.

“The incident could have created a safety issue, but lucky for the quick work of a Woolworths employee the fire hose was used and put out the fire resulting in the fire not being able to spread.”

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  • Woa where were his parents? Very unusual for a child to do this (thank goodness)


  • I. for one often take longer to do my shopping because of having to watch my childrens’ every move. They know they are not allowed to touch things on shelves or in aisles but there are times they will “test the boundaries”. I’m sure sometimes they do it to embarrass me as they know I will not tolerate or ignore the unacceptable behaviour.


  • This certainly sounds like a big supervision failure.


  • I hope they find the boy, find out why he had matches and whether there are any other problems at home, and make the parent/s pay for the damage. Luckily no one was hurt.


  • I know kids like to run off but I never leave my kids unsupervised. Mainly because I’d hate for them to be out of site & someone take them but also I don’t want them to touch & break anything in the shops. Where was the parent when their young child got a hold of the matches?


  • Glad the damage was limited to $3000 of stock ! Wonder where the parents were indeed and what made this boy feel to play with fire (as it can be one of the indicators of deeper problems).


  • Yes I know at times children get bored and take off. Still the person looking after the child should had know he/she was missing. Was the child actually with a responsible person as some older children are sent to do shopping and may not look after the smaller child as good.


  • Where were the parents while this was happening?!? Terrible …. but could have been so much worse!


  • Oh my. Luckily they were able to contain the fire. I wonder if he was alone there and escaped when he realized what he did, or he was with an adult.


  • Oh my goodness! What a little turd. Why wasn’t the parent / parents supervising him!


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