

WA police have issued a warning with potentially poisonous chocolates discovered.

Police are warning people not to consume any food found on the street or left in letterboxes after chocolates containing a potentially hazardous substance were found in Perth’s south over the weekend.

Reports claim the chocolates were found on High Street on Saturday.

A local resident posted on Facebook that police had knocked at her door, warning her about the find.

The resident says the chocolates, which are understood to be similar to Cadbury favourites or Celebrations, were placed along fences and letterboxes at a height accessible to children.

Forensic testing is being carried out to determine what has been put in the chocolates.

A police spokeswoman confirmed Fremantle officers were investigating a report of an unknown person or people leaving mini-chocolates like those in multi-packet such as Celebrations or Favourites near a home on High Street.

“An unknown substance was placed inside several mini chocolate bars and forensic testing is being conducted,” she said.

“No person has consumed any of these chocolates.”

People in the area have been warned to be especially vigilant, particularly with children and pets.

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  • its a sad world at times


  • Imagine young children walking along and finding these. Hope they catch the person who was so irresponsible in committing this act. Sickos.


  • Some people really don’t think about the consequences of their actions, or seriously have sickening thoughts!


  • I can’t believe what goes through peoples minds that they come up with the dangerous sick ideas, hopefully they will be caught


  • This is terrible I hope they get the person responsible for it and no one gets hurt.


  • OMG. This is shocking. What villain would even consider to do this. Can’t wait to hear the forensic results.


  • This is so disturbing. It is this type of thing that makes me question where our society is going.


  • That is really worrying, what sickos!


  • Who would do this? There must be some very sad, disturbed people around.


  • My mind can’t even comprehend what lengths people will now go to to hurt other people. Be alert and safe especially watch your children who are so easily tempted.

    • Always be alert and vigilant and teach safety.


  • Never eat anything found anywhere outside in unusual surroundings; this is particularly dodgy!
    I hope the offender/s get found and this does not occur again – I hope the community is vigilant!


  • Very concerning ! What an antisocial and criminal act.


  • I hope they get locked up and the key thrown away!


  • So sad these things are happening. People are just sick


  • What is this world coming to? What a terrible thing for anyone to do. Do hope the police catch this low-life.


  • What a low act, pays to make sure kids learn not to pick up things off the street, but what about other animals or birds. Hope they catch the sick person.


  • This is a sickening act, you seriously can’t even be safe anywhere anymore.


  • Not only could the chocolates be contaminated, chocolate is poisonous to dogs. I don’t whether or not is it poisonous to cats or birds. Children playing in their front yard, on the footpath including walking or riding from one place to another could pick them up and eat them


  • Why would anyone just eat random chocolates found on the street?


  • A bit worrying – not that I’d eat “found” food anyway.


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