

Vegemite and honey are back on the menu at school breakfast clubs.

Surprisingly the two popular spreads had previously been banned for not meeting health guidelines.

Victoria Education Minister has come out stating the ban really didn’t make sense when children often eat the spreads at home for brekkie.

They are certainly a staple item in our pantry!

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  • How can you label these toast toppings as unhealthy? The amount you have on a piece of toast is just a scrape, I doubt it will affect anyone’s diet at all. These products are always in our kitchen pantry


  • Honey and peanut butter and Vegemite cheesy bite are a pantry staple


  • Vegemite and honey are a must in our home.


  • That’s silly, they should be able to eat what they love for breakfast and health wise it’s not bad at all


  • Neither have ever been off the menu in our home. All things in moderation is the key


  • Vegemite is a must have in our home!


  • Good news – these are staple items in so many households.


  • Surely vegemite should be compulsory to the menu in Australia.


  • We can’t live without Vegemite, we go through so much


  • If you get real honey (not the rubbish in the supermarket) it’s really good for you! Can’t stand vegemite though. Yuck.

    • We get a lot of our honey from the farmers market when it is available and it is heavenly for sure!


  • Did they ever leave the menu??


  • We love our honey straight from the hive and use it daily (however not to cook or bake with). I don’t buy honey from the supermarket as it’s stripped from it’s healthy benefits by the heating and processing. One child in our family of 6 likes vegemite, she might have it once a fortnight, so not so that often. Every now and then I make vegemite myself, using this recipe http://onetable.life/organic-musings/our-food/healthy-homemade-vegemite/


  • I don’t like Vegemite, but honey has definitely always been part of our menu.


  • Omg…….never knew they were taken off the menu. My poor kids coming through school are going to be forced to eat cardboard if we dont stop taking everything off the menu. Eating healthy is great but some foods have good fats in them that our body needs.


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