

A pregnant mother suffering from the effects of type 1 diabetes collapsed in a street as passersby ignored her.

Daily Mail reports, Jade Howard, 30, noticed Theresa Ale’s son, aged six, trying to help her down a busy street in Auckland, New Zealand, when she saw him stumbling and heard him say: ‘it’s all right mum, you can do it, we’re nearly there’.

But no-one was helping the type 1 diabetes sufferer who’d just collapsed – in fact, drivers in cars were sounding their horns and yelling out their windows at her and pedestrians walked past ignoring her.

According to Ms Howard, one even yelled out ‘you wasted b****’.

With a feeling something wasn’t right, she sprung into action. When she approached the pair, the boy said his mother had diabetes and needed sugar.

Ms Howard gave them lollies she had and helped them to her car before driving them home.  She’d asked if the woman needed a doctor but she said she had everything she needed at her house.

The unwell woman revealed to her she’d been scared for her life.

In a Facebook post, Ms Howard wrote: ‘While driving her home she said “thank you so so much I was AFRAID for my life but no one would help me”. This broke my heart’.

‘I was holding back tears I mean, I know society is f****d but it was so disturbing to witness people from my community where I grew up and my kids are growing up just stroll/drive past a clearly struggling woman.

‘Of all these people that we share parks and pools with, sit next to at the library, stand in queue with at the supermarket, sit next to at church, whose kids go to the same school as mine, not ONE took a second to see if she was ok and offer some help…why?? This is so bewildering to me.’

Ms Howard, who admitted she’d thought Ms Ale was intoxicated at first before realising something was wrong, said she wasn’t posting about the story seeking likes or ‘to boast’, but to ask people to be a little more selfless.

‘What if it were your mum, aunt, sister or daughter!?

‘Where the f*** is the compassion these days?’

Since uploading the video  it has been viewed more than 1.2 million times.

Over sixteen thousand people have shared and commented on the video, congratulating Ms Howard for her actions.

Jade has since shared – The response to my video is so overwhelming. Thank you to everyone for sharing. All your kind words and blessings has me dumbfounded. I appreciate it hugely. Arohanui kia koutou xox

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Image via shutterstock

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  • This is so horrible, if people thought she was drunk they could have at least helped her for the sake of her child who was with her.


  • thank goodness this young lady had the presence of mind to help this poor lady. If not then the outcome could have been worse.


  • good on her for helping this woman!


  • I had to hold back the tears reading this story, how shOcking I often ask what has become of society and then there’s some good sites such as mouths of mums that make me feel there’s more good than bad. Ps I think it’s a crime to walk passed someone in need of medical attention.


  • *sigh* …My eldest daughter …who was not pregnant….but was well dressed, had her handbag with her and had just come down in the elevator from the Doctors and started to walk along the street and then felt faint and passed out. She was laying on the street just outside a real estate business. She said when she came around there was a man there looking at the photos of houses in the window and people walking along the street. Everyone ignored her. So sad that this is our world now.


  • It maybbe due tonhow much violence is in the world today – if she looked intoxicated people may have been too scared to look let alone offer assistance. However being heavily pregnant you’d think someome would have asked


  • People these days are too involved in their own lives to care about those around them. Shame on them.


  • I can’t believe some people could be so disrespectful and show no compassion. Thank goodness someone helped the sick mum.


  • I can understand some people can be scared to help if they feel threatened.


  • What a great kid, pity adults aren’t so great!


  • I so dislike this world we are now living in. There doesn’t seem to be any compassion left and everyone is scared that the person they might help is under the influence of drugs – a scary thought as look what happens to paramedics who are trained to help. But I would still try to help someone if they were pregnant and with a young son. Good on you Jade Howard – I lift’s my lid/hat to you [Mary Poppins]


  • This is really upsetting! I cannot believe this happened!!!


  • Wow this is terrible. I hope all is ok now


  • I’m disgusted in humanity! There’s no way I would pass by someone in obvious distress and not at least check that they’re ok!! I even asked a man in the waiting room of my baby clinic if he was ok as he looked devastated with his head in his hands… I’d worked myself into tears fearing he had just gone through the worst thing a father had gone through… To find out he was listening to music while his wife was in an appointment…!


  • I’m so glad this lady and her son were able to get help. I’d hate to think what might have happened had Jade not stopped to help.


  • So terrible that no one stopped earlier, someone should have at least called 000.
    But I do understand people’s fear.
    I recently helped an elderly lady in the shopping centre


  • No doubt about it these days most people don’t give a dam! I would have pulled over Ij I was driving and offered help if on foot , offered to get medical help or get some form of glucose from somewhere if I DID NOT HAVE LOLLIES IN MY HANDBAG once I KNEW THE LADY WAS HAVING A HYPOGLYCAEMIC EPISODE.


  • While it is shocking, it is also understandable. She could just as easily have been drunk or using drugs. Sometimes going to the aid of people results in yourself being hurt

    • If you don’t want to help yourself contact the Police. In this case people should have considered the welfare of the child with her too.
      I worked with a lady who almost collapsed in a shopping centre when pregnant with her second baby. She still had 5 weeks to her due date. A lady rushed to her aid and took her (and her little daughter) to the nearest hospital. With no time to wait due to her starting bleeding heavily just as they arrived she had an emergency c-section.


  • How disgusting that no one else bothered to help. Whether the mum was drunk or not there was still the welfare of the child that needed to be considered. Well done to the bystander who did help. We should use this example in our day to day life.


  • This poor woman. I am glad someone did help her. People can be so cruel.


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