

The cutest image EVER!

Prince George got to stay up past his bedtime to meet none other than the President and First Lady of the United States. In his pyjamas!

Oh my gosh!!  I can’t stop looking at these pictures.  SO ADORABLE!

I want to eat him up.

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  • Prince George is so cute. I love his little dressing gown. He looks very excited to show off his rocking horse :-) Obama is a great president. Why can’t he get another term :-(


  • I am not a monarchist but these photos are really cute.


  • I love those pictures. George is such an handsome little boy. And it’s so nice to see him shaking hands with Barack Obama! :-)


  • He looks like such a cute little gentleman in his pj’s, i bet the first lady had so much fun with him.


  • These pictures were adorable and what amazing photography!.


  • He is adorable!


  • He is very cute. I wonder if her has tantrums at inappropriate times like other toddlers lol

    • I am sure he probably does the same as any child does.
      If he learns to be courteous early it will do him no harm. He is probably copying his Dad and it won’t do any harm to encourage him.
      They are gorgeous photos. I doubt they were planned in advance.


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  • Very cute pictures. But kinda weird too.


  • Cute kid. Pity he will have such an absurd distorted upbringing.


  • Oh so cute, even in his pyjamas! The lives of society’s privileged


  • Children are so cute they can get away with so much – even meeting guests in your pj’s.


  • He is just so adorable! Love these images.


  • I saw this on the news and Prince George is gorgeous!


  • I love these images. Sooooo cute!!


  • OMG! George is so cute & irresistible in his little debonair dressing gown


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