

Pink has taken to Instagram to share her disgust at the Aussie media after being forced to postpone a show due to illness.

She shared her anger at the media in a post on Instagram just moments ago, “I don’t need to clear this up, but out of respect for my fans I will attempt it.

“I scheduled this tour meticulously, trying to do what was best for my children, while also putting on the best and most physically demanding and beautiful show of my life.

“This break in Byron has been scheduled since 2017, as a way to get outside the hotel and the winter and have some time with my children.

“I’ve already been sick twice (kids as well)on this Australian tour, but the first time we got sick, I was able to push through.

“This time, what these parasite paparazzi don’t show you, is two doctor visits in Byron on two consecutive days, antibiotics, steroids, Vick’s, nose spray, throat spray, more steroids, NyQuil, a screaming baby in the middle of the night, every night, while mama gives him warm baths and tells her daughter everything is fine.

“You can think whatever you want, it’s your right, but I have never taken advantage of any one in my entire life. I have never fucked off while disrespecting hard working people who spend money to come see me play. I have never phoned in a single tour, I have an impeccable record for not cancelling.

“I mother with everything I have whilst handling all the rest. The snark in this is unbelievable and makes me long for a nicer world.

“I’m doing the absolute best I can, and you can believe it or not. What they don’t show you in this picture is me drinking water and lying down while my friends try to entertain my 7 year old who is asking me why these creepy men are surrounding us and pacing back and forth and taking pictures of her every move.

“I will see everyone tomorrow whether I’m better or not, and the postponed show will be rescheduled. As I said, I’m sorry to the real fans who this situation has affected. Onwards and upwards.”

Fans have responded telling her to just get better and ignore the media frenzy.

Pink, we hope you are feeling much butter real soon. x

I don’t need to clear this up, but out of respect for my fans I will attempt it. I scheduled this tour meticulously, trying to do what was best for my children, while also putting on the best and most physically demanding and beautiful show of my life. This break in Byron has been scheduled since 2017, as a way to get outside the hotel and the winter and have some time with my children. I’ve already been sick twice (kids as well)on this Australian tour, but the first time we got sick, I was able to push through. This time, what these parasite paparazzi don’t show you, is two doctor visits in Byron on two consecutive days, antibiotics, steroids, Vick’s, nose spray, throat spray, more steroids, NyQuil, a screaming baby in the middle of the night, every night, while mama gives him warm baths and tells her daughter everything is fine. You can think whatever you want, it’s your right, but I have never taken advantage of any one in my entire life. I have never fucked off while disrespecting hard working people who spend money to come see me play. I have never phoned in a single tour, I have an impeccable record for not cancelling. I mother with everything I have whilst handling all the rest. The snark in this is unbelievable and makes me long for a nicer world. I’m doing the absolute best I can, and you can believe it or not. What they don’t show you in this picture is me drinking water and lying down while my friends try to entertain my 7 year old who is asking me why these creepy men are surrounding us and pacing back and forth and taking pictures of her every move. I will see everyone tomorrow whether I’m better or not, and the postponed show will be rescheduled. As I said, I’m sorry to the real fans who this situation has affected. Onwards and upwards.

A post shared by P!NK (@pink) on

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  • Being a mum is tough and she’s a superstar as well so let her have some rest!


  • Celebrities might have an easier life because of not having money worries. I’m not sure I would swap my life with theirs though. Money is nice but the lack of privacy and the constant lies would drag me down


  • If she is sick enough to have to go to hospital and to have to have the extensive treatment she had to have, it is going to take her time to recover. It is a coincidence that it happened close to the time she had pre-arranged to take a break


  • Hey everyone gets sick. Wonder if the media work through when they get so sick. Rest up Pink and will see you in concert again soon


  • She shouldn’t have to explain herself, but I’m glad she cleared the air. After all the true fans know how reliable Pink is and how marvellous/demanding her shows are. It’s hard being sick at the best of times let alone in another country when all you want are your creature comforts. I wish the family a swift recovery.


  • Get well soon Pink and family. Your, and your family’s, health always comes first.


  • Good on Pink for clearing the air – although she certainly should not have to explain herself! With a very grueling show schedule, of course she needs and wants time to herself and with her family, not to mention recover from her illness!


  • I’ve always loved her raw honesty and willingness to tell it like it is. Fans will know she’s taking time out for a good reason and not willy nilly like the media suggested.

    • You got it! Her fans will no the difference between media hype and how it is!


  • I like pink and she sounds like a lovely mum


  • She shouldn’t have to explain herself indeed ! Stuff them Pink, take a break and get better soon !! xx


  • media are just horrible, always twisting things and making untruth’s

    P!nk you rock as a mumma bear and as a rockstar – don’t let them ruin your love of Australia because we love you unconditionally!


  • Poor Pink! I have done the same thing myself – been ill and been at the beach to get sun and recover. A photo is just a photo and not a full story and she should not have to explain or to justify but she has. Good on Pink for commenting only for her fans.


  • She doesn’t need to explain herself. Being s mum is hard enough!


  • Good on Pink for telling it like it is. No one likes to get sick, and she has been a trouper for a long time – and she still is in my books.


  • Taking the kids to the beach was probably the only chance she had to read and keep them occupied


  • Good for her. I love Pink, her music, her attitude, work ethic & mothering. My daughter loves her too & I’m more than happy for this, she is a fab role model.


  • She is spot on with her description of the media…”disgusting parasites” couldn’t have said it better myself


  • The media need to leave her alone. She’s one of the most down to earth pop stars there is


  • I have to say the media often looks for the worst.


  • If she decided to postpone the concert, she surely had her good reasons. Absurd that people question her choices.


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