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If you’ve tried everything to get your kids to sleep through the night, this Aussie psychic medium has a simple solution that’s cheap, easy and hundreds of parents swear by.

Melbourne-based psychic medium Jessica Lynne shared the unique ‘hack’, which she claims has helped hundreds of her clients’ families sleep well. And all you need are limes.

lime in kids rooms

Jessica has been sharing the benefits of limes in children’s rooms for some time, but just recently one of her Instagram videos has gone viral, with more than four million people watching her lime sleep tip.

The video explains that Jessica told her skeptical friend to put a lime in her son’s room because he’d never slept through the night. She then shared a screenshot of the mum’s sleep quality from that same night – showing she had almost nine hours of unbroken sleep!

“Picture this…..” she captioned the video. “Your kids sleeping through the night. No longer waking up to a toddler in your bed! No more talk of ‘MONSTERS’ in their bedrooms at night.”

The popular medium, who has been featured extensively in the media, says all you need to do is pop a lime in your children’s rooms.

“It’s really important that you know how to use the limes properly!” she explained.

“Cut a lime in half, put the two halves in a dish and put them in your bedrooms (make sure you keep them away from your pets as they are toxic to them).

“You can also diffuse lime around your house to promote calmness and clean slate energy.

“Limes are an amazing cleansing agent that rid negative fear based energies and any dark entities that have made their way into your house.”

The video attracted hundreds of comments, many from parents who say the trick worked.

“Been having a lime in my son’s room for a week – he’s never slept so well. It’s not working for my 2yo, but that’s development I’d reckon,” one mum said.

“This couldn’t be truer! Since doing what you suggested my daughter and all of us have been sleeping soundly through the night!” said another.

Jessica has also shared testimonials from dozens of people who claim the tip worked for them, but her video has also attracted some negative comments.

“No no noooo mamas this is witchcraft,” one person commented. “This is opening up you and your precious babies to occult practices! Jesus is enough and is the only good force that has overcome evil spirits, demons, beings, monsters! Don’t expose yourself or your kids to this.”

While another said, “I’d love to say this works, but it doesn’t.”

So, would you give this a go, or have you done the lime trick with your kids? Let us know in the comments below. 

  • I should give this a go for my son who doesn’t like going to sleep. I might even try it for myself as I’m not the best sleeper.


  • Hmm doesn’t hurt to give it a try.


  • I will definitely give this a go! I am desperate for a full nights sleep


  • Weird, but if it works for some… probably just coincidence though.


  • Great tip, I’d give it a go if my kids weren’t sleeping.


  • I can’t have them in my home because I’m allergic to all citrus, I can’t even touch them before they’ve been cut. Maybe it works for some as it’s more mind over matter


  • The juice of the lime is a great drink and helps stave off colds, but I have no faith in this tip. It will be easy to try to see for yourselves.


  • If it works why not. I could certainly use help with sleep so this would be more for me.


  • Interesting.. Does it work on adults? Cos my kids sleep just fine but I could use some help lol!

    • Yes I could use some sleep too ! I’ve always been an insomniac


  • I will try tonight.


  • Our four month old is waking so ,many times still. Unless it can feed him as well, I don’t think the lime is going to work yet 🙁


  • I love limes and the beautiful smell. I’ve never heard of this before but would be prepared to give it a try.


  • In sceptical but at the same I don’t think it could make it any worse so may try it …


  • I’m not sure how her being “pyschic” has anything to do with this wacky tip.

    • No I don’t think it needs any mentioning


  • Sounds like a load of poo to me.


  • Hmmm interesting, I wanna put it to the test


  • It’s worth a shot! lol


  • Interesting. Does it work with adults? Sounds a little weird but no harm in trying.


  • Well, I’m gonna try it for me. Can’t hurt to try it snd find out for myself

    • And ? What are you findings ? Did it have any effect ?


  • I wonder what it is about limes that makes kids sleep through?


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