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Jessi Campbell is a one in 100,000 toddler. The Queenslander, who turns three in August, was born with a giant, one kilogram mass on her body, after being diagnosed with a rare syndrome.

And while the little girl with a gorgeous smile is just like any other toddler in many ways, her life will never be easy. And her parents are keen to shine a light on her condition, to educate and raise awareness.

“She is aware she looks different and knows she gets called ‘the girl with the big arm’, her dad Jonathan explained.

Jessi Campbell

Her mum Amara knew there was something wrong after her 19 week pregnancy scan.

“We were both shocked and very unsure of what was going on when we were told the news,” she said said.

The couple was told that their daughter had Klippel Trenaunay syndrome (also known as capillary-venolymphatic malformation (CVLM), which causes overgrowth of soft tissue, blood vessels, lymphatics and bones. It’s a life-long condition, which presents with a port-wine stain birthmark and enlarged arm of leg.

Jessi Campbell

Jessi Campbell

Amara’s pregnancy was carefully monitored from 22 weeks, with Jessi born naturally at Mater Mothers’ Hospital on 28th August, 2021, weighing 3.6kg,

The lymphatic malformation on Jessi’s left upper arm was the size of a pineapple.

“We had no idea if the mass would cause complications before and after birth. The main thing the doctors were worried about was if Jessi’s breathing could be obstructed by the mass,” Amara said.

Jessi Campbell

Jessi was in the NICU for 10 days, and her treatment has continued throughout her short life. Recent x-rays have shown Jessi’s spin is starting to curve from the weight she carries on her left side.

“As Jessi is immune compromised, she does get sick quite often. Her arm also flares up and is sore when she is sick,” Amara said.

“Jessi will never look normal, but we hope she won’t look as swollen after more procedures.”

Professional Images: Annette Dew. 

  • She is gorgeous. Children are so resilient!


  • This little angel has such a beautiful smile. I feel sorry for her because it means she can be in a lot of pain with it but it doesn’t define who she is. Don’t you ever stop smiling princess.


  • What a gorgeous and happy little girl. Life is cruel sometimes. I wish her all the best in her ongoing treatment.


  • What a gorgeous little girl. May she have the strength and courage to beat a obstacles she encounters.


  • Poor thing. Its definitely going to be a challenge as she grows, hopefully she recovers as best she can


  • Poor little thing. The x-rays showing Jessi’s spine is starting to curve would be very concerning. I wish the family well.


  • Wishing her all the best, what a beautiful girl


  • Poor wee darling


  • Poor little thing! So much suffering in one so young and she’s still happy and smiling


  • I have never heard of this before. I hope she can live a long happy and healthy life.


  • Hopefully she grows up feeling loved by all. I feel sorry for her but who knows what surgery can do in a few years time – everything is always evolving!

    • True ! Always keep hoping and miracles can happen too 🙂


  • I have sympathy for any family trying to deal with a rare condition.


  • I wish them all the very best.


  • So sad to read. I hope the family can cope and give the little girl the best life.


  • Wishing this little one well with future procedures.

    • Good on this family for raising awareness.


  • I never heard of the condition and hope that further treatment has at least some success. A beautiful girl indeed, bless her !


  • I hope she only receives kindness in her life. She looks like such a beautiful child.

    • Yes, may she receive kindness and inclusion in her life !


  • What a beautiful smile she has. I wish her all the best for the future.


  • A gorgeous smile indeed. Best wishes to the whole family.


  • What a gorgeous little girl. I feel for this little girl and what she has gone through. Hopefully the next few procedures can help with the swollen mass and help her live her best life.


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