

A quick run down of what’s in the news this Monday morning, 11 September.

Desperate parents sell belongings to pay for son’s life-saving surgery

The parents of a young Perth boy in desperate need of life-saving surgery only available in the US are selling their belongings to try and pay for him to access the treatment.

Konah Brown was only 12 years old when doctors discovered he had a huge brain tumour and his family have been told he may only have a month to live.

His only chance at survival would be a proton therapy available in the US.


The federal government will pay for Konah to undergo three months of the treatment, but his family will need to find the money  for flights, accommodation and living expenses.

To raise the necessary funds his parents have started selling their possessions, including their car.

They’re hoping through their fundraising page, which has a goal of $30,000 they will be able to raise enough money to send Konah and his dad to Florida this month.

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Man drowns trying to save kids from rip

In tragic news a father of three from Victoria, Shaun Oliver, 32, has drowned trying to help another father save his four children who got in trouble in the surf at Wollongong City Beach.

shaun oliver

The father of the children in trouble had managed to get his two younger ones to shore, but the two older children aged 10 and 12 got caught in a rip during a trip to the beach on Sunday afternoon.

A surfer reached the pair and got the 12-year-old boy towards shore, but the man was swept out to sea.

Three police officers swam out to him, pulled him from the water and gave CPR but he died in hospital.

Surf Life Saving has warned beachgoers of the dangers of the surf.

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Woman gives birth alone at home during Hurricane Irma

A mum has been forced to deliver her own baby at her Miami home after going into labour during Hurricane Irma.

Paramedics were unable to reach the woman who was in Little Haiti on Sunday morning (local time).

Doctors were instead forced to talk the woman through the delivery, the City of Miami said on Twitter.

“We weren’t able to respond,” Assistant Fire Chief Eloy Garcia told the Miami Herald.

“So she delivered the placenta, also. Dispatch told her how to tie it off. She’s stable at home,” Mr Garcia said.

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Tributes flow for Connie Johnson

Connie Johnson’s death at 40 from cancer has struck at the heart of many Australians’ worst fear: losing a loved one, too young.

If one thing can be taken from her story it’s that she did something to change our understanding of what it means to have a terminal illness.

Connie’s brother, actor Samuel Johnson, has explained the reason behind her final image

In a comment on the Love Your Sister Facebook wall, he has explained that sometimes, imperfections and sad things can still be beautiful.

The black and white image shows Connie holding a ceramic bowl in her outstretched hands, tipping it towards the camera.

“The ancient Japanese art of Kintsugi embraces flaws and imperfections,” Sam explained. “This idea behind the art of repairing pottery with gold suggests that the cracks are simply an event in life, they don’t represent an end, and can make things stronger, even more beautiful.

“I love this photo on a philosophical level, but also, because in this photo, Connie is so openly giving and receiving. Never taking. That’s why I wanted to share it with you. xsammy”

RIP Connie, an inspiration right to the end xx

Mum jailed after giving birth and tossing baby out the window

A mother who stuffed her newborn baby in a plastic bag and threw her out a window has been jailed for 10 years.

The baby remarkably survived the fall from the house in Shrewsbury, England but was left with serious injuries including bleeding on the brain.

The woman, whose name cannot be revealed to protect the baby’s identity, had kept her pregnancy a secret from her family.

The court heard that the woman secretly gave birth in a bathroom on April 22, 2016.

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  • very full on happenings in the world. it is very sad to read of them. i hope that the child gets his amount raised for his treatment


  • Great news summary thanks! Haven’t had time to watch news lately!


  • I’ve just read the name given to that girl born during the hurricane: Nayiri Storm Kesling
    Nice, isn’t it? :-)


  • Such sad stories indeed. The brave young man trying to safe the children of another father and losing his life really touched me y’day. And then that story of this mum throwing her baby out of the window just breaks my heart. Yes, 10 years is far too little indeed !
    Praying for all who have been hit by death, grieve, pain, sickness and despair.


  • A very sad mixture of news stories.


  • A very sad start to the week. Hoping for some good news stories soon.


  • Praying for the departed and sick.
    And knowing deep in my heart 10 yrs for throwing bub out the window is a joke…this woman should see the full force of the law NOT 10 yrs.


  • I felt so much for Connie knowing she was going to mss her son’s lives.


  • Sad to read about Connie which l know from the media,may she rest in peace.


  • I’m so gutted about Connie. She was one of the most incredible people out there.


  • I read it’s a girl so it would be appropriate! :-)


  • I wonder if the mum who delivered her own baby will call it Irma …. ? A spark of happiness among such tragic news today ….


  • Oh, quite a sad begin of the week. :-( So tragic for that man that died trying to safe those kids. His kids and his wife will miss him so terribly. And I am positive that that WA’s family will be able to fund-raise the money they need to go to the US.
    Connie was such a remarkable woman. Rest in peace.
    Shocking that woman that threw the baby out of the window. :-(
    And about the hurricane, yes, so many damages. Let’s hope it will decrease in strength soon. I read that in Florida more than 2 million people (!!!) are without electricity at the moment! Luckily that woman could deliver her child herself. Very brave of her. :-)


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