
  • Serves 8
  • 20 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 3 Ingredients

32 Comment

It’s easy and healthy for babies starting with solid food.
Portions are dependent on your baby’s age.

Ingredients (serves 8)

  • 1/4 cup organic brown rice
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tbsp fruit of choice or to taste


  1. Blend the rice in the blender until it's a powdery consistency.
  2. Once rice is done add it into a saucepan with water and stir until cooked. If you feel it's not cooked enough, you can always add more water but remember not to add too much as you need to add the fruit into it
  3. Once cooked, add the fruit in and cool.

  • Not many recipes use rice instead of rice cereal.


  • I used to give this to my kids when they were babies.


  • Awesome idea blending the rice and looks just like the bought ones but better.


  • Oh wow, what an awesome cereal option for bub. So healthy and easy to make


  • This sounds a lot healthier than others I have seen.


  • A balanced meal for your baby. Not bland like plain rice. No sugar needed (breastmilk and formula both have sugar in them). The fruit adds flavour. You can use a variety, even combine a couple that you know they love when they get used to the cereal.


  • oh my gosh, so simple!!!


  • I feel stupid in saying this – but I never thought to make my own rice cereal.


  • Great to start off babies with. I used to substitute fruit with carrots or sweet potatoes sometimes.


  • Easy and delicious recipe with the goodness of brown rice & fruit.


  • Perfect as a starter for little ones


  • This is great! I did something very similar when mine were first starting solids – but it was unintended, unlike your clever recipe!
    I didn’t want to use packet rice cereal and was short on sleep and time with twins so ended up powdering rice, cooking it and water for right consistency.
    Love your recipe and the idea of fruit is good for older bubs once confident on rice cereal. Thanks for sharing.


  • Definitely a great starter to solids for babies


  • Lovely and thank you very much for sharing.


  • I really like this recipe, great diy baby food recipe thanks


  • So easy to prepare and healthy as well. Will make it for my bub


  • I’ll defiantly be trying this in a few months !


  • So versatile! Can add some pureed fruit and you have a endless possibilities!


  • Love when they first start solids nice recipe


  • Great idea! Funny I didn’t think to make my own when I make all the other foods from scratch! Lol


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