
  • Serves 12
  • 1 hours
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 12 Ingredients


Traditional savoury rice flour steam cake.

Ingredients (serves 12)

  • 150gm rice flour
  • 12gm wheat starch
  • 12gm corn flour
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2 tsp oil
  • 300mL water
  • 400mL boiling water
  • 150gm salted turnip (from asian grocery stores)
  • 30gm garlic, peel and chop roughly
  • 1/4 tsp dark soya sauce
  • 120mL Rice bran oil
  • 2 tbsp sugar


  1. You will need aluminium kueh moulds for this recipe. I got them from Asian stores. To make kueh, whisk rice flour, wheat starch, cornflour, salt, oil and 300 ml room temperature water. Add 400 ml boiling water. Whisk again. Cook over medium-low heat till just thick enough to coat sides of pot thinly, stirring constantly. Place pot in water-bath. Stir till half-cool.
  2. Bring steamer to boil. Arrange moulds, slightly apart on tray. Fill moulds with batter, cover and bring steamer back to a boil. Steam 20 minutes over rapidly boiling water. Uncover. Cakes should have some water on top. If there is, steam uncovered till water evaporates, 1-2 minutes. Remove cakes from steamer
  3. Cakes should be mushy just after steaming. Leave to cool down and set.
  4. To make topping, rinse salted turnip twice to remove excessive salt. Drain. Add garlic and dark soya sauce. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Heat wok till hot. Place turnip mixture in wok. Add enough rice bran oil to almost cover mixture, about 120 ml. Fry over medium-high heat till garlic is golden brown. Reduce heat to low. Add sugar and stir till dissolved. Turn off heat.
  6. To serve, unmould kueh and top with fried turnip mixture, along with some rice bran oil.

  • Adding it to my recipe file. Thanks for the recipe.


  • I like this and would love to give it a try thanks for shsharing your recipe


  • I have never tried but love cooking asain recipes thanks for sharing


  • I love asian recipes and your’s is very interesting! Thanks so much!


  • An interesting recipe; looks great, thanks for sharing!.


  • Yummy thanks for the recipe


  • I love Asian food and this is No exception! thanks


  • Thanks for sharing this interesting looking recipe; something different to make and taste.


  • thanks for sharing this with the mums


  • I love chinese snacks and food in general


  • I actually thought those were eggs at first.


  • I’ve never heard of salted turnip before.


  • not heard of this before, what a wonderful delish recipe, will add to my list to make, thanks so much


  • yum. :-) great for snacks or a party


  • not sure if I would like this


  • great recipe. have to try. thanks


  • Something I haven’t cooked before but want to try.


  • thanks for sharing this recipe


  • Not sure about this. I love most Asian food, but salted turnip sounds a bit peculiar. Although I do like normal turnips when they’re roasted, so I may be brave and try these.


  • I had never heard of this before, it sounds wonderful


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